VIII - The God of Ivory Tower

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The maze of tunnels was dark and cold. My breath fogged in front of my face, and my hand was cold on the wall. I walked slowly, with the only sound was my footsteps and shaky breathing.

Alpha Rose would be worried about me by now. She would probably send her wolves into the forest to search for me. I knew they wouldn't find me this deep in the forest, let alone underground. All I could do was keep moving.

"I-it's really dark down here," I shuddered. "D-do I have to do this?"

You are doing well, little one.

"Mm, thanks," I sarcastically said. I shivered and continued walking. I kept my hand on the right wall. There were a lot of random turns, box-like rooms with nothing in them, and rubble along the floor. What was this place? Some sort of... catacombs? And why was he making me do this? What made me so special? I was downright terrified of wolves, I hated the forest, and didn't even know what I actually wanted to do with my life. I was a nobody.

You worry too much, darling. You will be fine. So far, you're doing great on this little test. I promise you are almost done.

"I've literally just been wandering around like a headless chicken," I softly replied to him. "How can you say that I've been doing good? Hell, I don't even know if you're real. I might just be going insane."

You are not going insane. Feel your heart. Is it beating fast? No, it is not, because, at your core, you know that everything will be okay. That is the gift of every creature who is bound to us. I was... doubtful at first, but, the more I watched you, the more I knew. Keep walking, Raine Swann. You're almost there.

I held my hand over my pulse, shocked to feel that he was right. It took me a moment, but I soon realized that I wasn't afraid. Confused, yes, but afraid? Not really. Yeah, it was dark and cold, but I was dressed in enough layers to keep me alive. A small smile formed on my face, and I kept walking, more confident now.

"Look, Mr. God," I said, "I've always been afraid of wo--"

Did you just call me 'Mr. God'?

"Well, I don't know your name."

...It's... Cloud. My name is Cloud.

"Woah, woah, woah," I paused for a moment. "Your name is Cloud? Like, a cotton ball made of water and air floating in the sky? That is... probably the weirdest name I've ever heard." Oh, fuck, I just insulted him. Probably not the best idea to insult a god who ruled over the entire town.

Yeah, well, your name is Raine. Like, water droplets from the sky.

"Mm, point taken," I nodded, continuing down the tunnel, grateful that he didn't decide to smite me right then and there.

Around the corner, there seemed to be... light. I eagerly walked towards it, soon running. I turned the corner and tumbled out into the cold. I landed facedown and with a mouthful of snow.

"Well, that was graceful," a gentle laugh came.

I looked up to see a man standing above me. His short but messy light grey hair was pulled out of his face with braids and silver pins. His vibrant blue eyes seemed to glow in the dim light. His left wolf ear was shredded. The man wore grey-blue leggings under an off-the-shoulder, flowy grey and white dress that fell almost to his knees and was longer in the back. The lace sleeves were long and had a grey-to-black ombre. Around his neck, there was a loose choker necklace. It was black, with little silver and blue charms and gems all over it. His knee-high black boots had heels on them. All in all, he was pretty fucking hot.

"Mm, I suppose you must not recognize me in this form," he crouched beside me, cupping my jaw in his palm. I could only stare, eyes wide with shock. He lightly chuckled, trailing his thumb along my jawline. "I'm sorry, are you... drooling? I know you're homosexual, and people often adore me, not to mention you're bound to me, but I didn't realize it would happen this quickly."

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