Chapter 9

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*Author’s Note*


Beware, this is the last chapter. Thank you guys so much for all your support, you really do not know how much this means to me. I hope you guys enjoyed it and I wanted to say goodbye to this book at the beginning instead of the end.

Please check out my other book that I will be working hard on, the same way I worked on this one.

Thanks again you guys!





“Me, adopt you?” Mrs. Murphy said, moving closer to the door.

“Ya,” I said smiling, “I couldn’t think of anyone else.”

“Oh Carley, that is wonderful!” Mrs. Murphy sat down on my bed, “I will need some approval but I bet it will work out.”

Mrs. Murphy was wiping a tear from her eye,

“You really mean it?”

“Of course! For what other reason would I be in this hospital bed?”

They both laughed softly.

“Well, it is settled then.”

Mrs. Murphy then left the room, and left Carley smiling.




I was supposed to stay in the hospital for another two weeks, worst thing ever. I only sat around all day but the Murphys gave me regular visits.

During the middle of my second week, I got an announcement about my mom. I was still alowed to see her but she could not be alone with me. There were other restrictions but I rarely even payed attention to them.

On my last day in the hospital, I packed my belongings and was reading to leave. A nurse drove me to the airport and escorted me on the plane. Mr. Murphy meeted us there and asked me,

“You ready?”


The drive was short and friendly, Mr. Murphy and I had a lot to catch up on. Apparently my mom was not happy about the adoption but the paper signing was quick.

We eventually got home, and I went upstairs to my fire truck bedroom.

I was home!

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