Chapter 6

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The days continued, little communication between me and my mom.

The days turned into weeks and the weeks turned into months. There were no more surprise calls from any Murphey's children. I am actually really sad about this since I wish I was with them.

Christmas was approaching quickly. The hotel was decorated with a huge tree that I loved. That was probably the only reason I left the hotel room each day, was to see the tree. Mom didn't put up a tree since she didn't think it was necessary.

I finally got the nerve to go buy my mom a gift. It would be rude not to since she is my mom. I have been saving up money for weeks to finally have enough.

I went to a small boutique and got her earrings and a gift card. It was small but at least it was something.

For Christmas, all I wanted was a homecooked meal. But, of course, it didn’t happen.

I woke up to the smell of cafe coffee and pancakes.

“Oh great,” I murmured to myself.

I walk slowly into the kitchen, expecting to see my mom standing there. As I expected all that is there is a note that reads,

“Work on Christmas, I will bring home dinner tonight from the restaurant downstairs.


I put the note down in misery, she didn’t even say I love you.

I didn’t think that I would be alone on Christmas, but you never know. As I sat down to my coffee and pancakes, I see a tiny scribble on the back of the page,

“Don’t open the gifts yet.”

I couldn’t help but smile. Mom and I always opened gifts together and I was glad she made sure we still did.

My day was dull and boring. I mainly sat around, studying the gifts to see what I got. All of a sudden, there was a knock on the door. I open the door and see a package sitting there. I pick it up and open it, hoping it wasn’t a gift from mom.

I sat down with the box, since it was marked for me. I decided to read the letter first. It was from the Murpheys!!! It said,


We miss you so much and Merry Christmas! Here is a little something for you. We hope this is okay with your mom and we hope you are doing well.

We love and miss you!

-The Murpheys

I then looked in it. There was a Yankees hat and another toy car. There was a stuffed giraffe, almost like the one I left for Micheal Eric.

I was so grateful but upset that I didn’t give them something in return. Then I hid the gifts in a keep space in my closet. It was hidden and locked so not even my mom can get in.



“Carley, I’m home!”

I was so grateful that was my mom. We had some dinner and opened gifts. I got some clothes and some money. I also got a pass to go anywhere and explore more in the hotel. It wasn’t much but it was nice. The hotel got our room a TV so I could now watch it.

I was so happy that I totally forgot about all of the problems and how much I missed the Murpheys.




*Author’s Note*

I am so sorry guys that I couldn’t update! I updated as soon as I could and I could not wait to update. I had exams this past week so that is why I have been so busy.

I wanted to thank you guys for over 300 views!!!! This is incredable and I am so greatful to have such supportive readers.

If you have any suggestions for my book, leave them as a comment.

I hope to post more over Christmas break. If I don’t post, I want to wish everyone a Happy Holiday!!!!!!

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