Chapter 3

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*Author's Note*
I wanted to start out with a note because I wanted to thank everyone for all the support you have given this book. I know I haven't had time to update but I will try to update 2-3 times over Thanksgiving break.



I kept on debating on what I was going to do with my day. There was no school since my mom didn't think it was nesacary and I had no friends.
I started my day exploring the room, peaking in every closet and corner. I knew this would be my home for a while but I knew it wouldn't be like the Murphey's.
The Murphey's. I knew I shouldn't have brought that image into my head. I missed them.
Just then, the phone rang.
"Micheal Eric, is that you?"
"Carly, it is you!"
"Micheal Eric, how did you find my number."
"The files in mommy's drawer."
"Mrs. Murphey knew that I was going to live in a hotel?"
"Your in a hotel, I didn't know that...."
Suddenly, there was a long pause.
"Micheal Eric," I managed to say, was he hurt?
"Mommy's coming, I have to go!"
The phone gave a click meaning that the call was over.
All I did was laugh. I knew that was what I needed to make myself happy.
"Maybe I should go explore," I said outloud to myself.
I grabbed the money and headed out the door.


*Author's Note*
I hope you guys liked this chapter, talk to you guys soon!


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