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Lola answered the door to the fat and looked to see Peter. She looked to him and frowned as he walked in and sat down. She could see how rough he looked. Lola walked over to where he had sat down and looked to him

"you look terrible are you okay" she asked as he looked to her and smiled

"I'm okay I just think I am coming down with something that's all" he said as she looked to him and nodded. Lola could tell that there was something up with him. She could see how terrible that he looked and it worried her.

It worries her as she knew over his history with drink and she was worried that he was drinking again.

Lola could tell that there was something up with him and she did want to trust him after all she was carrying his baby and she didn't want to be stupid and think that he would drink when she was pregnant knowing a drink would kill him as she knew that it would of been the stupidest of things to do. Lola looked to Peter and sighed "okay if your sure" Lola said as he looked to her and smiled

"I'm okay I just think I am coming down with something but you don't need to worry over me" Peter said as Lola looked to him and smiled. 
Lola sat in the flat as Alexa walked in. Lola looked to her and smiled

"I thought that you were going out with Peter" Alexa asked

"he's not feeling well so I said we'd rearrange it. Where have you been?" Lola asked as Alexa looked to her and smiled

"no where really out and about. No where special. What are you op to" Alexa asked as she sat next to Lola

"just watching tv. Look I know that you are going through a lot but mum is worried over you and you can't keep this from her forever. When are you going to tell her over Adam and the fact that he got you pregnant" Lola asked as Alexa looked to her and sighed

"I don't know. I mean I don't even know if me and Adam have a future yet we are just talking things over and if i tell mum then she will have a lot of questions and I don't have answers I just need some time" Alexa said as Lola looked to her and nodded

"I get that I won't say anything but it will only be so long until it comes out and it's better that she hears it from you then from someone else" lola said as alexa looked to her and sighed knowing she was right

Lola sat in the flat as Carla walked in "there you are I have been calling you" Carla said as Lola looked to her and frowned as she saw how panicked that she looked

"what is it" Lola asked

"it's Peter. He's collapsed and has been rushed to hospital" Carla said as Lola looked to her and frowned.

Lola was in shock and she couldn't believe what she was hearing. She knew that something was up with Peter and she was worried and she only hoped that she wasn't right and that it wasn't linked to him drinking and that they could make it work knowing how hard it was going to be when she was pregnant with his baby but would Peter be okay?

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