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Lola knew how she and Nick were trying to make it work. It hadn't been easy. But she wanted it to work out.

She knew all she had been through with Peter. And she was finally getting over him. She knew that she wanted to move on from that experience. Well that's what she was calling it.

Nick had been amazing with her. He made her smile. And he had changed her life. He treated her like a queen. And that was what she loved about him.

Lola didn't know what the future held for her. But she knew that she wanted Nick in her life. He had replaced the pain caused by Peter with happiness.

She knew how Carla was apprehensive about the relationship. But she had kept it quiet for the sake of Lola. Knowing she didn't want to lose her daughter. And seeing how happy Nick made her.

Lola knew she was doing all she could to make Nick happy. And vice versa. She had been so happy lately.

All she knew was that her life was finally coming together. And she was trying to keep it on the happy track.

Morning came and she found herself lying in bed. She had been texting Nick all morning. He wanted to take her away for the weekend.

Lola wanted to go. But she didn't know if it was too soon in their relationship.

The door opened and Alexa walked in. She smiled. "Hey. What's got you smiling? Lover boy?" She asked.

Lola grinned as she looked to her. "He wants to take me away for the weekend. I wanna go. But then is it too soon?" She said.

Alexa smiled and sat with her. She looked to her. "It depends on if you think it's too soon or not. I mean. Only you can make this choice."

Lola knew it was going to be hard for her to make the choice. But she wanted to go.

Lola walked through the street. She smiled as Nick walked towards her. "Hey. So about this weekend away. I'm up for it if you are," she told him.

Nick nodded. "Great. I'll book us a hotel and we can go this weekend. Only if you're not busy of course," he said.

Lola shook her head. "No. I'm not busy. Don't worry about that. I'll be all yours," she said as she closed the gap between them and kissed his lips.

Nick smirked. "There'll be plenty  of time for that this weekend. Behave," he told her as he kissed her.

Lola was sitting eating a cone of chips when Peter walked over to her. He looked to her. "What does Nick Tilsey have that I don't? Thousands of pounds?" He said.

Lola rolled her eyes. She looked to him. "He makes me happy. That's what he does. And if you can't understand that you made me so unhappy, you can't see much."

"I made you happy. You were always screaming my name."

Lola shook her head as she turned and walked off. She had no idea how things were about to turn nasty between her and Peter.

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