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Lola was finding things hard, she knew that she was struggling since the miscarriage but she that it wasn't easy, Lola looked to see Alexa as she walked into the room and smiled

"are you okay" alexa asked as Lola looked to her and shrugged

"I guess so. I don't know if I can do it. Move on after the miscarriage you know I mean it's a lot loosing the baby and that I just feel numb after it all" Lola said as alexa got into the bed with her and smiled as she wrapped an arm around her and smiled

"I know it's hard but I am here for you and I know that you lost a child and I know that you are heartbroken but I know that one day you are going to be a great mum one at it was just not to be and I know that can't help at all but it will be okay. Just don't shut us out okay" alexa said as Lola looked to her and smiled

"I'm going to be okay. I know that a lot has happened but I guess part of it, it's for the best and I hate it. My baby is gone Lex and nothing I can do is going to bring it back and it's not going to fix the damage of me and Peter" Lola said as alexa smiled as she pulled her into a hug and smiled
Carla answered the door to the flat and sighed as she looked to see Peter and frowned

"you need to go, you aren't coming near her. Lola has been through enough" Carla said as Peter looked to her and sighed

"I know that you hate me and I don't blame you but you can't keep me away forever and Lola can't avoid me I just want to apologise and I get it won't bring the baby back. Lola is grieving and I won't let you hurt her again" Carla said as Peter looked to her and sighed

"it's nothing like that. I just want to see her" he said as Carla crossed her arms over her chest and looked to him

"no. It's not going to happen. Leave Lola alone and stay the tell away from her as I swear Peter if you go near her again and hurt her again I will make you regret that you ever touched her, I will make you regret ever meeting her and trust me I mean it" Carla said as she slammed the door in his face and sighed as she turned to see alexa standing there and smiled

"what" Carla asked as Alexa smiled

"be careful. I don't want Lola to end up hating you because if it" Alexa said as Carla smiled

"I'm protecting her" Carla said as she walked off

Lola walked out of the cafe as she walked into Nick. She looked to him and smiled

"sorry I wasn't looking" she said as nick smiled

"it's okay. I get it, I get that you have a lot on your mind, but I am here. I'm sorry over the baby" he said as Lola smiled

"don't be. It is what it is" Lola said as nick looked to her and smiled.

They held a look for a moment. Lola knew that things were messy with them but was there something there between them? Knowing just how he was another one of her mothers exes?

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