Short Intermission

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The next memory we stepped in was archaic. The peaceful times of my early childhood. Where I was the loud eccentric leader. I was the leader of my family pack. A little group I formed with my brothers and cousins. We'd pretend we'd have elemental powers. Our enemies being figures of imagination.

This memory in particular had me standing at the centre on a little hillside. I was surrounded by my group. All of us beaming as our parents took a group photo of us.

Leo and I sat on a nearby bench, taking in the serenity that washed over us.
The late evening sun's illumination, basked with the early indigo of dusk. A thousand little birds sang as they grouped up together. Some say they're talking about today's weather or praising god. You know. Normal bird stuff.

I took a long deep breath and smiled. How pleasant could this get?

"Your powers should be back soon at this rate" Leo pierced the silence as he leaned to the back of the bench.

"That's nice, I guess" I half whispered.

I took another glance at little me and his gang. They were getting ready to leave, all their things packed up. The little ones were dancing and chasing after another. I could see my mom's face as she scowled at the kids, getting them to tone down.
It was amusing.

"I wish I could stay here forever" I chuckled.

"Once we're done, you probably could" said Leo.

He calmly took off his mask, revealing more to his head than his shaggy brunette hair. A pair of brown eyes with little red and purple crescents drawn on each cheek; a sharp nose; bushy eyebrows; medium sized lips all laid across a diamond shaped face.

An exact copy of myself, except somehow more handsome.

"I'm not a fan of masks, I must admit" he laughed
"Why put one on then?" I snarked as I patted his back.
"Eh, it's a long story" He smiled, sorrow seeping through his tone.
"That bad, huh?"
"Yeah..." He straightened his back and looked me straight in the eyes.

"Why are we here again?" I enquired

"To take a break" he answered.
"Healing isn't some sort of ladder that scales upwards. Plus, you've weeped a lot in the past few memories."

"Yeah... I did" I sighed, clasping my hands together.

"Hey" Leo whispered as his arms wrapped around me
"You're gonna be fine. You've silenced pain for years. And when it leaked, it always found a way back into you. This will take time" He patted my back.
It felt sweet, like my dad would when I was upset.

"The wounds aren't deep, but they're a lot. And it's a lot of work, so take a break. Leave the triggers alone and focus on your present."

" I won't let anyone hurt the way I did" I sniffled, hating the fact that crying has become my new constant.

"That doesn't matter now. Focus on yourself. Be selfish for just this once. And when you go back. Spend time with those who give without asking anything in return."
"Friends?" I said sarcastically

"Nah. Family"
"You know. So far, most of our journey has been a bunch of profound conversations" I joked.

"Well. There aren't any monsters worth fighting, Sherlock" Smirked Leo
"Yeah..There really aren't"

Leo put his mask back on and a portal back to our strange path opened up. The sun was gone, and so was little me. Crickets sang as the stars began to sparkle.

As I left with a wide smile across my face, holding Sal's hand as we walked out. The night's symphony began.

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