A monster worth fighting

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After a good while of treading, the passage's light began to dim down. A desolate piano solo echoing in its' vast emptiness.
All of which Leo responded to by taking off his mask, "It's time to fight" he murmured. A shadow of a sinister smile curving on his lips as he drew his bow and readied his quiver.
I could sense a confusing mixture of pure rage, hatred and excitement boiling within him, and although his mask was off, it's eye sockets glowed a bright orange.

"It's time to fight" he murmured, letting go of my hand and picking up his pace just enough to be a few feet ahead of me.
"You said there weren't any monsters worth fighting" I hastened to catch up to him.
"You're not a monster" he retorted, simply leaving it at that before two wraiths came to view. One bright red as if it was on fire, the other gloomy purple.

At first they stood still, as if unaware by our presence. But as soon as Leo got close enough, the red wraith looked to our direction, before charging towards Leo. Leo simply pulled out a a dagger and a sword. He handed me the dagger before charging towards the wraith.
Sword against claw, their clash began.

"We'll be separated for a while, I need to take care of anger" Shouted Leo, he kicked the wraith in it's gut, making it draw back. He looked back at me and winked, and with that, he opened up a portal into a memory film, the wraith following him suit.

I firmly held my dagger as I neared "Fear" as Leo had called him before leaving. If the red wraith only recognized Sal because he was furious, all I had to do with Fear was not be afraid.

Step by step, I cautiously headed towards it, inspecting it along with it's surroundings.
It had long jagged arms, its' hands shaped like dragon claws. Its' head was that of a human. The closer I came to it the more detailed it's face seemed... Its' face wasn't just any face. It was mine.
Despite the empty eyes and the sharp fangs that appeared out of its' mouth, its' face was mine.

I took out my dagger, ready to stab its' heart, when it let out a cry. "Please don't" it hissed.
Trying to ignore its' words and remain calm, I focused all my thought on the dagger.
"Please" It begged.
With all my might, I stabbed the dagger in its' heart.
It let out a ghastly scream, before beginning to laugh maniacally.
Purple fog rushed out of the stab wound to enclose both of us.
"I warned you" It whispered, before vanishing.

The passage was gone. The Melancholic tunes had dispersed, replaced with silence.
In the distance I heard cries. My own brother's cries.
"Omar?!" I yelled
There was no response. My mind raced, looking for a sensible conclusion. Either this was a sick game to break me. Or a memory of my brother has fell in before we left one of the memories we crossed.

I had no choice. I had to see for myself.

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