Author's remarks

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Hey! I'm proud to announce that this is my first complete story.
My first step.
It, of course, takes heavy inspiration from my life. And while it might seem confusing, I hope you could get out with the major takeaway I had left in there.
I'm not going to list them down here, feel free to do what you want.
Now that I'm done, I can finally be in peace.
For a short while anyways.

I've left some details in the dark on purpose.

I plan on revisiting this world through different lenses, I'm not done with it just yet.

Please please please drop as many comments and feedback as possible, I'd really love to learn.

My writing would be sub-par at best, and it wouldn't improve without me knowing where I need to improve.

Well, for starters there are fight scenes that I need to work on.

Anyways, until next time, I'm out.

Salman Elhussini

PS the lyrics I used (Not that I incorporated them well, seeing that this is my first attempt)
are from the following songs:
Scared of the Dark - XxTentacion
Clearly - Grace VanderWaal

Looking Back is BlindingOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora