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That's all I've been doing for the past half an hour.

Why am I running, you ask?

Looking behind me, I notice how fast they are catching up to me

Well I guess that you're about to find out why

I jump over a fallen log and I swerve to avoid crashing into a tree.

Suddenly I feel pain fly up my arm and I glance down to see an arrow lodged deep into it.

I curse as I rip it out.

I continue on, feeling my arm burn.

Then that's when it happens, I feel the blood running through my vains turn warm, too warm.

I begin to sweat as I carry on, running and running and running.

I can't take this much longer.

I feel my hair begin to grow hot, my power about to be let loose.

I realise that I can't keep running forever and I sigh as I see that the end of the forest is nowhere to be seen.

Then it happens.

I stop still and I feel my eyes glow as I turn to them, running full speed towards me and i lift my hand, the flames firing out of it as she begins to take over.

My powers are complicated, it's like I have two sides to myself.

Two people living in one body.

One being myself and the other being my power.

My power is fire.

I can do anything with it.

Start a fire, move flames.. Everything that you can think of I do.

I continue to lift my hand up as the flames flow out of me and I lift the other one to match it.

I spot a guy in a dark blue suit lift his shield to protect his face as he runs through my projection flames.

I keep my attention focused on burning the others and I don't realise that he's coming closer to me...

His Fire Starter|| Clint BartonXReader MarvelWhere stories live. Discover now