A note mostly to myself

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Today, June 27th, 2021, I came across a necessity to forward myself on my spiritual journey. I realized that I rely too much on the guide books provided with my Tarot decks than on my intuition. I feel uncertain in my ability to properly read the cards. That is why I have decided to make this guide to help me better understand the cards I am reading, and hopefully learn something new. This guide is my interpretation of all of the guidebooks that I have, as well as Biddy Tarot, and my own experience with each of these cards.

That being said, I do not currently see an end to this guide, as I believe it will develop as long as I am developing in my craft. As I gain more knowledge and wisdom, and learn to lean more on my intuition, this guide will continue to grow, and hopefully it will collect the experiences of others and become a wonderful tool for someone new to use.

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