Elements In Tarot

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There are four main elements that you will encounter when reading Tarot cards and throughout this guide: Fire, Earth, Air, and Water. Each element represents a different aspect of yourself or a situation. They may also highlight an element in your life that you may be neglecting and need to bring attention to. 

Fire is the first element in the zodiac, as well as the first element you will come across in the Minor Arcana. It is an active element and is tied to the suit Wands. It focuses on outward energy, as well as your passion, willpower, and inspiration. It is an element that calls one to act. 

Water is the next element you will encounter in the Minor Arcana. As a passive element, Water is focused on one's emotions and intuition, as well as looking inward at what you need, either emotionally or spiritually. It is also heavily tied to one's relationships, either with yourself or other people. The suit that ties to Water is Cups. 

Air is the element that follows Water in the Minor Arcana. This element is very much tied to one's intellect and ability to communicate. Air is also a very logical element, and tends to focus on wisdom. It is also an active element, meaning it impacts your external environment. Air is typically represented by Swords. 

Earth is the final element you will encounter in the Minor Arcana and is represented by Pentacles. This element is a passive element and focuses heavily on nature, as well as one's physical being. It is also tied to the material plane and can represent one's wealth, however you define that. A major theme in the Earth element is stability. 

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