O. The Fool

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The Fool is the first card of the major arcana, and typically represents new beginnings. You are at the start of a new journey, and you need to take that leap of faith and trust that the Universe will catch you. This is a very exciting and scary time, as you don't know where this will take you. The Fool is a very fortuitous sign, however, that it is time to start whatever you have been pondering. You are where you need to be to move forward. Pay attention to your intuition and any messages the Universe is sending you. You will learn many things as you progress through your journey.

There are a couple different ways to interpret the Fool when it is reversed. This card does warn that you may be moving headfirst without listening to your intuition, and possibly making a foolish decision. You may be facing many choices as to where to make your next move. You could also be making steps towards starting something new, but are worried that you are not ready. This is your sign to take a moment and listen to the messages of the Universe and make a decision based in intuition and wisdom. Do not be afraid to trust yourself and the Universe.

Element: Air

Keywords: New Beginnings, Trust, Faith, Rebirth

Reversed Keywords: Naivety, Chaos, Lack of Direction, Unfocused, Lack of Clarity

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