I. The Magician

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The Magician is the second card in the Major Arcana, and can go by the name "The Magus". Like the Fool, the Magician is a card of new beginnings, however, the Magician has the skills and tools to move forward and manifest their goals. The Magician is typically depicted with a pentacle, a wand, a sword, and a cup, symbolizing their ability to draw from all aspects of life and utilize the elements around them. There is limitless potential with the Magician, be confident in your ability to realize your desires. You are ready to move forward and create, as you have everything you need.

    On the flip side, the Magician can be a warning that not everything is as it seems. You may feel like you are ready, or that you have a flawless plan, but you may be missing an important element. Do not let yourself be deceived by your ego. Pay attention with intuition and potential messages from the universe. If you have already begun your new journey, the Magician is a sign that you may be experiencing some stagnation with your path. You may not be as passionate about actualizing it as you once were, and may feel lost or frustrated. Now is the time to look inward and reconnect with yourself and your goals.

    Element: Air

    Keywords: Skill, Confidence, Manifest

    Reversed Keywords: Deception, Stagnation, Lack of Passion

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2021 ⏰

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