Two: Drowning

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She wouldn't sleep, wouldn't eat, wouldn't drink.

Days had passed, and the remaining Batch members had done their best to help Omega, but nothing worked.

Of course, everyone took Hunter's death hard, but Omega never had to worry about this, never went through this. She took this harder than the others.

"Hey, kid?" Wrecker tried to approach her.

"G-go away!" She sniffed.



That caught everyone off guard. Omega was definitely not the young, lovable female Clone they all loved.

That Omega was gone, gone for a long time.

Maybe forever.

Wrecker stared at Omega for a moment, and then left.

"Deaths are always hard, but Omega took this seriously," he commented to Tech and Echo.

"It did hit us hard. Hunter was our leader. Crosshair killed him. We have to lay low," Tech put in.

"We should try and find Cut and Sue....or contact Rex, maybe the sisters we ran into. They might be our only chance," Echo piped in.

"I vote Cut and Sue. Their kids might be helpful to Omega. But we are wanted by the Empire. We'd only put them in danger," Wrecker sighed.

"I vote for none," Tech said.

"I vote none," was Echo.

"I agree," Wrecker sighed.

"We must find a planet to bury Hunter. Start us up, Tech," Echo ordered. Then he went to try his luck with Omega.

"Hey, Omega?" He coaxed.

"G-go away!" She sobbed.


"I said go away!"

Echo picked the girl up (Yes, with his robot arm), and hugged her. After a few moments of hesitation, Omega threw her arms around Echo's neck, and sobbed harder.

Letting her cry, Echo wondered what he should say without making her more upset.

"Look....I know this is hard. It's always hard. But would he want you to spend all of your time in your room, not taking care of yourself?" Echo tried.

Omega didn't respond, but slowly, ever so slowly but surely, she stopped crying.

"There we go. Are you feeling better?" Echo asked awkwardly.

Omega sniffed, and Echo felt Omega nod.

"Good, good. Now, we need you to pick a planet to burn Hunter. Come with me, will you?"

Again, Omega sniffed and nodded.

Still feeling awkward, Echo carried the girl to the main area, where Tech and Wrecker were discussing a few planets. "Which ten planets have you settled on for her pick?" Echo asked.

"Well, we have these," Tech gestured to the space map.

"Omega, which one shall we do?" Echo pressed.

For the first time, Omega lifted her head to face the others.

Her eyes were swollen, red, and hollow, her face was stained with tears, and she seemed to be starving.

Gently trying to put her down, Omega threw her arms around Echo again, indicating that she didn't want to stand. "All right, I won't put you down. Now, which planet do you think we should bury Hunter?" Echo soothed.

Sniffing again, Omega looked at the map.

"That one," she choked, pointing to one of the bigger planets.

"Lothal. A fine choice," Tech soothed.

"I want to go back to my room," Omega croaked.

"Not until ya eat somethin' kid," Wrecker declared.

"I'm not hungry."

"You should still eat. It's been five days since you ate," Echo ordered.

"Fine. I'll eat something," Omega sighed.


A few days later, Omega, Echo, Wrecker, and Tech stood around a burial fire as they burned Hunter under the stars and the full, twin moons.

They all wore a black hooded cloak, and stood, honoring their fallen friend. Omega had tears falling down her cheeks. To be honest, they were all crying.

Omega still blamed herself for what happened that dreaded night, but Echo, Tech, and Wrecker were helping her with that. At least, trying.

Echo, Tech, and Wrecker couldn't believe that Crosshair killed Hunter. Why, they thought, would he do that?

It was a question they all wanted answered.

When the sun started to show it's first beams of light, the burial fire went out.

"Come. Let's go," Echo croaked after a long time, turning away.

"Wait," Omega sniffed, and she walked over to the ash that covered a small area of the ground. Bending down, she picked up a small handful of the ashy remains that were once Hunter, and put them into a small container that was attached to a chain.

Omega put the chain around her neck, and then stopped when something silver caught her eye.

"Hey guys! Hunter's armor, knife, and gun survived the fire!"

"Let's take them with us," Tech suggested. Then he added so only Echo and Wrecker, "Omega will need armor when she gets older. Having Hunter's old armor might make her more confident in battle."

So Tech, Echo, and Wrecker helped Omega carry the armor, knife, and gun back into the ship.

"I'll be right back," Omega called to the group.

She ran back to the spot where Hunter was burned, and she pulled out the red hair band that Hunter always wore in his hair.

"I'm sorry, Hunter," she quietly sobbed. Then she tucked his bandanna into her pocket, and ran back into the ship.

"I'm sorry, Hunter....I'll avenge you....I promise...."

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