Just one big fantasy

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"HARRRRYYYYYYY" a lady's voice screamed
~Everything goes dark for Harry ~

"Shhh careful not to wake him Dudley" Mrs. Dursley whispered
Blinding lights illuminated Harry's vision. He sat up coughing gently. He opened his eyes to see the doctor and Dursley's surrounding his bed.
"Where am I ?" Harry called out raspy
"Now look what you've done. Harry? It's your aunt petunia. Can you hear me?"
Harry looked around. "How did I get here" he moaned in pain. "Harry you got into a accident nearly three years ago. Tell me what do you remember?" The doctor asked gently.
Harry looked around confused. He then realized he was in the hospital. "I don't know sir. It's all foggy." The doctor smiled sadly "that's quite alright son."

He pulled the Dursley's away and spoke with them in a hushed tone. "We'll need to keep him here for observation. Why don't you all go home and get some much needed rest."

Harry coughed and closed his eyes. Remembering how he had a redhead and curly haired best friends... but he couldn't quite remember who they were. The doctor came back and rested his hand on Harry's shoulder.
"Get some rest son. If you remember anything call for us. My name is Dr. Martin and the nurses name is Ms. Sheri"
Harry nodded. "Doctor? Has a boy with red hair and a girl with curly hair visited me?"
The doctor looked at him sadly and shook his head. " I'm afraid not son. I'm sorry"
"That's alright doc"

Harry wondered who these two mysterious people were. He knew they were his best friends but he couldn't quite remember much else.
"Doctor Martin" Harry called out.
"Yes Mr. Potter?" "Where are my parents?" He asked curiously.
Dr. Martin grabbed a clipboard and lifted up a few pages. "Son... I'm afraid your parents died when you were a infant. It says cause unknown. I'm sorry son."
Harry smiled sadly at the doctor. "That's quite alright doc. I think I'll rest now"
Dr. Martin nodded and closed the hospital room door behind him.

Harry couldn't stop thinking about who those mysterious people were he kept seeing. He closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep once more. ~he had to find out where everyone he knew went. And where his missing time and memories went.~

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