Chapter 13: Sev's First Order Meeting

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" Try harder, Sev. Harder!"

" I don't know if I can."

" I know you can. Now, go lower. Really try."

" I am trying."

" Not hard enough. Again."

" Do I have to?"

" Yes! You can do it! Get them lower. Really feel it."

" I don't feel it, Harry."

" You will, you just need to practice."

" I have been. Every day in front of the mirror. I'll never be as good as you."

" I've been on the receiving end for years, I have a lot of experience. Ok, just once more. You've nearly got it."

Sev let out a deep breath before contorting his features into his most intimidating scowl. Harry had spent the last two weeks trying to turn his young friend into the perfect spy, starting with facial expressions. Although Sev had mastered sneering years ago, Harry was finding it difficult to teach the boy to scowl properly. He knew from the future that Sev had a whole catalogue of scowls used for a variety of occasions, but so far he had only mastered 'mildly annoyed', 'I'd move now if I were you' and 'you really don't want to mess with me'. He was having trouble with a few of the worst ones, such as 'if I was allowed to maim you, I would' and 'you are going to suffer a prolonged and painful death any second now'. Sev had been working on the latter for four days, but he just couldn't get the hang of it.

Since Sev had been initiated into the Order, he had yet to attend a meeting. His first was to be in a few days time, and he wanted to perfect his act by then. Harry had explained that a good spy could hide their emotions and lie flawlessly. While Sev's time in Slytherin had taught him a lot in these areas, it was not enough when dealing with Voldemort. The Dark Lord would be able to see through most deceptions, so Harry had to prepare him for all eventualities. This is where the training on facial expressions came in. Sev had to learn to fake joy in the face of Muggle torture, but also disgust for anyone who Voldemort did not like. Harry knew that these lessons could save him from giving himself away, and thus save his life, but at the same time he was also reluctant to go through with them. The Sev he had grown to know in this time was so different to the greasy Potions Master who had taught him for four years. He was more human, showing his emotions when he thought it appropriate, and more open and trusting. He had a good sense of humour, and was hardly ever sarcastic. It broke Harry's heart to have to turn such a sweet boy into the evil git he would be seen as in Harry's time. What really got to Harry was the fact that he had hated the man when he was younger, but that he was the one that made him that way.

" Sev, how about we move on to something else?"

" Like what?"

" Well, we've covered sneers, scowls and smirks. How about we work on your mask of indifference?"

" If we have to. Are you sure this is necessary?"

" Yes. I know Shirley well, and he can see through most deceptions. You need to be able to pull this off to survive. I'm working on your weapons training, animagus and spell work; just call this another aspect of turning you into the perfect warrior."

" What if I don't want to be a warrior? What if I just want to be a normal boy, grow up to have a respectable job and a family, and die happy? What if that's what I want?"

" I never said it was what you wanted. But it is what you need. Life has placed you in this position, and you have to make the best of it. You may not like it, in fact you will probably hate it, but you have to accept it. I mean, I would give everything to be normal, but that has never been an option for me either. Just think, though, that life can only get better. I want you to live to see that time."

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