sleepyhead. -spencer & derek

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in which derek calls spencer 'sleepyhead'.
this is also posted on my ao3 !
(can be interpreted as platonic or romantic)


"spencer? youve gotta wake up bub." derek shook the sleeping genius lightly, he wouldnt want to disturb him too badly.

"morgan if you dont let me sleep-"

"i know its been a tough case, but youve gotta wake up eventually."

"i dont have to. you just want me to." reid was mumbling into his pillow, face buried to shield his eyes from the light.

he looked at peace. spread across the mattress , one arm folded underneath the pillow, the other clutching the hotel blankets so derek couldnt remove them. his eyes still close and mouth slightly open. the older agent couldnt remember a time reid had looked so calm. morgan almost felt bad waking him.

"pretty boy ? i know youre still tired, but we need your brains out there. you know we cant do this without you."

"not even just this once ?" the pout was audible, he was truly exhausted. spencer opened one eye to peak at the other male, seeing him shake his head with a small smile.  enough to give anyone butterflies.

"c'mon sleepyhead. we can get you your coffee on the way down. and the second we solve this case, i promise youll get your beauty sleep. ill make sure of it." morgan pushed the hair back behind the tired mans ears, admiring the bright red that covered his face.

"i like that nickname." he finally sat up, rubbing his eyes like a child. derek helped him up, all while chuckling at how young this made the man seem.

"oh i can tell, and ill make sure to keep that in mind for next time. but ive got your clothes set out on the dresser over there, same old sweater combo you always wear."

"you know me so well agent morgan."

"well, youre very much an open book doctor reid."

"not really, i just like you."

"im extremely honoured, but we've gotta hurry it up. we've got a killer to catch."

"and coffee to get, dont forget that."

"and we cant forget to grab pretty boys coffee, of course."

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