rain. -penelope & spencer

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in which penelope finds spencer crying in the rain.
[tw for: panic attack]


the rain always managed to calm spencer.

but this was a problem not even storms could solve.

spencer was panicking. and he wasnt sure why.

he just knew that breathing was difficult and the rain made him feel wet and gross. his clothes stuck too tight to his skin and his hair was stringy and the water dripping down his nose bothered him to no end.

and he still had four blocks to walk.

spencer doesnt remember how this had started. he had left the offices, stepping into the rain without a thought.

the case they had just finished hadnt even been particularly draining. nothing stood out when spencer went over it in his head.

he had only walked a block when holding his head up became difficult. his bag suddenly all too heavy. he was just so tired. the sticky feeling of his clothes had sent him over the edge. his breathing quickening and all of his senses becoming heightened.

he was getting paranoid. the car coming up beside him was too close for his liking.

the car slowed went it reached him, the window rolling down, as his breathing stopped altogether.

"spencer ? what are you doing out here ? its pouring oh my god let me give you a ride."

penelope. spencers saviour.

as spencers heart slowed to an almost normal speed, he opened the car door. he couldnt focus enough to feel bad for getting the seat wet.

"here," penelope started driving again, "there should be a sweatshirt in the back, you can use that to dry off."

she finally looked over at spencer, seeing his puffy, red lined eyes and shaking figure.

"oh baby, are you crying ? here, here, theres tissues in the glove box. now, spill whenever youre ready sweetheart."

"th-thank you garcia."

"dont mention it, anything for you." she couldnt help but send the most reassuring smile she could, despite the worry she felt.

"i dont know wh-what happened. i was just- just walking when i just freaked out. it was a panic attack. i dont get them often." he was shaking his head, seeming confused.

"baby, it's completely normal. youve had a long day, when was the last time you slept ?" she looked over, seeing spencer look down shyly, "that means too long ago.  youre probably just stressed and tired. youll be alright. i can stay with you if youd like ?"

"i wouldnt want to inconvenience you-"

"honey, i am offering. i can promise its not an inconvenience. you being alright is more important than my beauty sleep." penelope had always felt the need to protect the young agent, this situation only heightened the feeling.

"id really appreciate the company." spencer looked down at his hands, watching his fingers. he felt helpless. he shouldnt have to rely on others to regulate his emotions.

"you stop that right now." penelope looked over at the younger with nothing but care, "i know what youre thinking mr. profiler. you had a panic attack, you have no reason to feel bad. its okay to ask for help."


"no," she cut him off, "no buts. you need to know, you dont have to deal with things on your own spencer. i care about you, the whole team cares about you more than youll ever know."

"i cant thank you enough garcia."

"you never have to thank me for anything like this sweetheart. now, we're gonna stay at your apartment. we're gonna get blankets and hot chocolate, and we're gonna watch whatever movie youd like. that sound good ?"

"it sounds perfect," he couldnt stop the smile forming, "can we watch star trek ?"

penelope smiled back just as brightly, a look of pure adoration crossing her features, "of course we can boy wonder. of course."

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