Zephyr's Reflection: Mirrors of Truth.

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There....that's who you were....inside of morrowind, nothing but the most unfortunate of them all...the bastard child with a sick mother...

I was unable to make any movements....there as a mystical like force unlike any i have ever felt....i ws stuck in place faced with the many chilling feels of this...abyss...It was as if everything had now been... frozen...three crystalized mirrors surrounded my body, all showing three different reflections. In each of myself. However, they all weren't exactly identical to my physical occurence. It seemed that all of the depictions were me of my early stages. The first mirror, which I was face to face with, was me as a  youngling. My mer ears were rugged and barely hidden by the shaggy, ebony black, messy strands of short hair. Elven dunmer grey ash like skin, red slit eyes and the expressionless face I had developed...the one that no one understood. My ruffian poor farmers clothes, were torn at either because of bread market raidings, or dog tears. I carried that wretched tattered up winter scarf around my neck, that did good in keeping me warm...but also had gotten me in and out of alot of situations. Scrawny, was what some called me...well the spiteful Nord....they called me worse, would often say that I was afflicted by vampirism...or some other kind of disease...the one scar on my left cheek was still present, as it seems...the only area where the pigment of my skin had been a bit pinker.

Ah...yes...young Errol..so innocent and defenseless. No one would ever dare look at you, because of your dirty look...bad reputation...mieschiouvess friends..and...well being with one parent... Shall we proceed onwards Errol?

My vision had been blinded by the a white flash, before I had felt..a change...The mirrors were gone, now. I wasn't in the same place, as I was before. The falmer woman...her voice vanished. Everything seemed to have diverted to normal..maybe..was I dreaming? With wandering eyes, i took it upon myself to get an explanation. But then-


There was a heavy impact-

I remember this feeling...yup, ice cold bucket of water being hurled at me, by none other than my best friend Triss. It hurt like hell, and the weight of the heavy wooden filled bucket forced me down upon the muddy grown. My clothes were drenched in well water, and smelled of bad stench of mud crabs. The moist soil stuck on to my face and stained my only clothes, as i pushed myself back on my feet again. The dirt found it's way underneath my fingernails, and inside my mouth.

Turning over to Triss, I frowned at her. She was too busy guffawing; her sides were splitting by the looks of it, and it wasn't helping her soar throat either.

"Triss, that's enough." I warned. Hearing my voice now...yep, I was definitely not dreaming. I walked over, in a hurry, towards her. "You're gonna make it-

My dear friend, sneered at me in writhing pain and humor. "Yeah yeah, Errol. I know..take it easy." She squints, while shifting her eyes at the spill.

Her sleek red hair, and breton toned skin became pink. She was getting alot colder again. Even with all that clothing. She wore a heavy wool sweater made from mamoth and sabertooth along with her heavy fur gloves, hat, and boots. The cold was getting to her, a breton shouldn't be exposed to so much of this. Especially since she once hailed from Cyrodil, a years while ago.

"C'mon." I retreat back for the bucket, and attempt to clean off the dirt. "We gotta hurry if we're ever gonna get food for the night."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2017 ⏰

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