Alftand: Benumbed in the depths....

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 I have to make another fire quick, before my body is frozen to death. Who knew that these conditions would continue to get even more worse than it already had been. And I don't exactly have an advantage either, being inclined to warmth. The further I go down into this hell hole,the more and more my breath stands out in the air. it's so freezing, that it literally freezes in mid air. A long case of stairs were spiraled along a giant ice shard the size of Azura's Statue.  I knocked my hand against the ice to see if it would chip or not but it was sturdy and still.

"Never, have I seen anything like this before...." my voice echoed off the walls, making a big projection. I continued down the steps, into another big empty space.

 There, I spotted a shadow of what seemed to be a figure of a manlike being. It's back was hunched over slightly, and arms were wide open ready for some sort of action. I assumed that it had been waiting on me, but then it's arm had raised high into the air. This....creature....was holding some kind of weapon. It didn't look very sturdy, to me. It was as if a mudcrab's claw was attached to its leg like a saw. But when, it struck down again, I could see another peculiar creature jump into the air. The size of it was inane to me....some kind of bug like thing...Then as soon as it fell back to the ground, blood the color black or purple splattered on the walls. I best be quiet....when I moved closer, the man had scurried away, making an awful noise with the insect in its arm dragging the body away. It was now safe to let some of my guard down. The blood from that insect, lead a trail that I insisted on following. What ever that thing was, it sure was fast because the trail had been long and bloody. Another door, that had been larger than the first was now in my way. This would be even harder to push.

 Knowing that there had to be some other means of opening it, I took the risk of searching for a lever. This ruin was so huge, that I could almost get lost.....

"There it is..." I spotted a lever right near the front of the entrance. When I pulled it, the door had begun to open slowly, making a whole lot of noise. 

 In the background, I could here lots of hissing and coughs....someone or something....was definitely here watching me. This time, it wasn't a dwarven sphere....that is for certain. I pulled out my sword and shield, then turned to face the dangers behind me. What I had seen, definitely suprised me alot. The creatures....looked like elves but something was wrong with them...The eyes seemed to be molted over by an extra coat of their skin. But I could see that it somewhat was visible, as they hissed more at me and held up their mudcrab weapons. Another thing, made me absolutely shocked..they weren't dunmer, altmer, or even bosmer....and the gods no that they aren't orismer. They had too small of a body for that, and skin as white as.... snow.... These....these mer....are....Falmer? The fallen, ancient race of snow elves down here....They knew I was here, but they didn't dare attack me because of something else and it wasn't their lack of eyesight either. Could they have sensed something else or.....

"Maybe it's"

 As soon as I spoke words, that's when they took a course of action and charged at me. There are too many to fend off, with my shield. Instead, I just pushed them back while backing up into the door that was no longer in the way of blocking my progress. I could see that they had used frost magick to try and stop me. They had become more aggressive when I went into the other room. What was there, that they didn't want me having? 

 That's when my mind told me to get the hell out, and follow what they didn't want me to follow. So, I ran continuously never decreasing my speed. I kept it, and listened as hundreds of steps behind me followed in pursuit. I'm never going to outrun them in this rate unless a blessing is done.

"By the nine!"

There was a man, in front of me who looked like an imperial soldier. He was frightened, and armor all torn from each end. I could tell that he had been roughed up by these things, and probably was the fellow who locked the door.

"Keep going, if you want to live! Is there an exit?"

"An exit? Yes! Yes! But, there's only one....problem." what was worse than being chased by falmer and attacked by dwemer spheres, or freezing to death?

 "What is it, man-"

 A giant arm, came in and swatted the man away in one swing. Upon coming to a complete stop, I could see a leviathan....the king of all dwemer tech, I thought....It was a centurion.... A centurion that looked mad....real...mad. The other falmer cowered in fear, being faced with there long known enemies, captors, and tortures. Since they were all together, the falmer engaged in an epic battle with the centurion who happened to oblige, leaving me with time to try and look for an exit. I could see the exit, but the only problem was that it was also being blocked by part of the huge Ice shard. If I could get that dwarven piece of crap to hit it....then....maybe I can get the hell out of here.

 More hissing, was about and a body had fell over my shoulder making me turn to the huge centurion that was conquering the falmer. They all were basically nymphs compared to it's ginormous size. I hurled the dead mer body at the Giant, drawing it's attention.

"Hey! Hey! You big piece of dwemer crap!" it looked pissed, all hell....the way it swiped away the other falmer onto the floor creating a giant bloody stain, scared me ear less. Then, suddenly one foot after the other it began to ram after me. 

 Once again, I was on another case to escape it....nearing the giant Ice shard as it was right behind my tail, I rolled out of the way, and let it succumb to the weight of the broken shard. I had to hide in one of what seemed to be a small hut for the Falmer. I hoped that none of the ice hit me, when keeping my shield above my head until the noise had stopped. Then once it did, I left the hut and saw the broken down machine. I was almost laughing, at how ridiculously difficult this mission was....

"But still no....."

 Instantly, I thought about the Imperial solider who was swatted away. He was still alive, on the ground with a giant piece of the shard impaled into his abdomen. When I saw inside the clear crystal, there was a person inside.The weight, of it was slowly crushing the imperial until it had finally died. Before that even happened, I ran up to the imperial who had been flailing his arms and legs trying to say something.

"" blood seeped out of his body, as his insides were visible to me, gushing out inside. He died, pointing to a glass long sword that lay on the ground. I went to go pick it up, gripping the end tightly in my hands, before swinging at the ice. It broke, and fell over my body, cutting skin from my face.

 The body that was preserved inside of the giant ice shard, fell down onto the imperial's mangled bloodied body....It was a female, body....kept in ice for who knows how long...but it must've been a very long time considering that this female was a snow elf that had not lost it's ancient features. She was very young and had beautiful white hair that matched her skin that was lighter than any of the other Falmer in here. She was wearing some kind of garment over armor that barely covered her body, and jewels all over. They seemed to have these magnificent looking sapphire blue stones and gold linings. I wondered if she was even I placed my fingers on her pulse to check. She was only sleeping, still. Maybe for a long....while....

"I must be out of my mind....." Sighing, I picked up the light snow elf and brought her along with me back to winter hold. Not soon after, I realized that she was carrying a strange staff on her back.

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