Winterhold: Earlier than expected

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 The next thing I new, I found myself calling over my husband's name. "Dagur, Dagur, Dagur!" I should've known that he was bad news, I should've known. This is probably what I get; the divines are most certainly angered with me now. I didn't look back, and kept on forward. Seeing the door of my child's room, I entered in quickly then shut the door and locked it.

 Behind me, Dagur and Eireid stood completely still in the corner of the bedroom. Terror grew in her eyes, as she took comfort in her Father's arms. What am I to do now? Just wait...for the inevitable I suppose. We're all going to's the end for us... 

 My daughter, was the first to run up to me. She looked as if, she had seen Tiber Septim's Ghost. 

"Mom, I'm scared. What are those men going to do to us?"

She...she doesn't deserve this kind of life, oh Talos. We were never meant to be fugitives! How am I going to protect them I pullled myself together and hugged my little girl close to me.

"I love you, so much. I love you." I was trying hard not to cry...a mother shouln't cry infront of her child, it only makes them scared too. "Listen Eireid, we're going to be just fine, okay-

"Haran, we need to get our sorry asses and our daughter out of here!"

"And, go where? How are we going to survive alone? It's already hard enough, to be a keep up with the shop. This Damn storm, is driving everybody out!" I remembered that my little girl had been in the room. by god, what has become of family?

 Smiling to keep her safe, I hugged my daughter once more and put her into the bed. She isn't going to suffer any other moment of this. Taking the sheets over my daughter, that I had hand washed so that it would be nice and warm, I made sure that it covered her entire body. The cold's not taking in my little girl. As soon as I had finished, I sat on the bedside.Eireid had all ready been sweating since yesterday, and her throat has been severely hoarse. I remember telling Ranmir to go out and buy some medicine, but most of the other shops have been closed up. There's no telling when they'd reopen again. That's when she, began coughing again that same day. Since now she hasn't been getting any better.

"She's getting worse." My husband accompanied me, on the bedside. He leaned in over and felt Eireid's forehead. "It's hotter than before...."

"I know, I know..." Just to get a feel for it myself, it was getting worse. Her cheeks were feverish, I tried giving her soup and that's not even working.

 Dagur looked up to me and I had a feeling what was about to happen next. He settled in, and beneath all the anger he had, he showed his true colors once more.

"You know what needs to be done; he can't stay here. He can go anywhere else, but not here." the tone in his voice had depicted was as shaky and sad as a dying animal.

"Okay." I sighed, then looked back at her. She had been fast, fast, asleep. Well that, she got from me. I was always sleeping. 

 Getting up slowly, I went back to the door and unlocked it. The bodies were still there on the floor, all dismembered. Thank the gods, that the hearth is closed after hours. But that still didn't change the fact there was a monster in our home. I could feel my heart getting faster, as I arrived back to the guest room. The door was still cracked opened, the way it had been before, so I suspected that he didn't suspect a thing. Upon entering the room, it was empty. Empty? Empty? Empty!

"Where could he have gone..."

 Something had covered my mouth, as I tried to scream and kick and kick for my life. I felt my self hitting the walls, trying to break free. When I was finally let go, I instantly fell to the ground and turned back to my attacker. I know that imperial armor and blood stain from anywhere.The legate, had survived the poison...but how?

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