Skyrim: Frost

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Sundas, 9:00 A.M, 7th of Morningstar 

 Walking through the heavy blizzard storm, had taken so much of my strength. My feet were deep in the mounds of snow, almost up to my own knees as I carried the snow elf whos weight began to increase from the numbing and corrosive burns of frostbite. I could feel my eyelids becoming heavier, with each step I took. My lungs felt as if they were going to freeze shut, every time I took in and let out air. I could no longer feel anything, but I persisted. If this girl, has anything to do with the end to this damned storm....then it'd be worth it....I'm tired...I can feel my self slipping away...this isn't felt like my heart was slowing....and once it stopped, the next thing I knew my body hit the ground....

Sundas, 10:00 AM, 7th of Morningstar.  

What was that smell? It smelled like....ash and lungs had no longer felt frozen from the frigid snow, but it was beginning to get clogged by an opposite force. When I had opened my eyes again, I was back inside the Frozen Hearth, in Winterhold. When, did I ever get here? But more importantly...where was all my equipment...

"The snow elf....Wait....where am I exactly in this place...."

I had been hanging over upside down, tied around in the rope which kept me motionless. Someone had been pushing my face close up to the flames.

"Speak, dark elf! Why are you here of all places? I bet you're not even fighting for the Empire, you mutt!" Dagur, the bartender, had been holding my head close up to the fires.

"You think I am scared of a bit of fire? Do you not know of my kind, and it's loyalty to Azura and her blessings?" I asked the foolish, Nord.

"Oh, I'm not planning on burning you to death. That was just a little something something, in order to get you awake. You know, I used to like your kind. I used to think that you weren't that bad. Even had friend that was an elf, too. But it was your kind, that got my daughter sick."

"And how would you think that up?"

"Sleeping beauty here..." he pointed a small knife near the elf's throat. "Isn' your average, every day dark elf...skins to white. Eyes to orange and bright. And ears are slightly sloped over, for a female elf."

"Yeah, not to mention her ensemble." I struggled to say, trying to wriggle myself away from the damned ash. "So, your daughter's sick-

Moved away from the girl, and slowly approached me holding up the knife to my face. His eyes looked beaty and some saber tooth lion.

"Don't you about my Eirid!" he said, while now forcing the blade of the knife against my cheek. "You dirrty...dirty...elf..."

"Listen I can help your little Nord girl. Just let me go...and then I'll give her an elixir or something."

The crooked bartender, took a few steps backwards before thinking it over. I was finally getting him to make some actual sense. His eyes focused on me, then back down at the 'weapon' in his hand.

" lie! All elves lie-

"Listen to yourself, man! Why would I have come far away from my home, just to do something all the way in the lands of Dragons, and kill this snow lancer while looking for a place to stay in a public in and helping you throw out those other three from earlier-

"Because you're a greedy elf that kills, steals, and pretty much does anything for septims."

"Wrong, my friend...So wrong, you are....My story goes way beyond that...way before I had even received the name, Marauder."  

 I awaited for his response, when suddenly he decided to leave the room. He walked away and left me to hang here. If anything can kill me, it'd be my own blood rushing to my head. Hearing him lock the door, I attempted to set myself free by setting my self aflame. The rope, had burned to a crisp as I fell into the fire below me. Rolling out, I went back into the room I had been staying in to see if my equipment had still been in there. Thankfully the door had been open, as I went to turn the handle. Once I got inside of the room, none of my stuff had been in there...but it was worth the try. I guess I have to keep looking then. Deciding to head back to continue my searching, Dagur was there blocking the door way. I was just about getting ready to fight him, as I raised both of my fists up and waited for him to make a move.

He had just been sliding his finger against the blade, looking at it for a while completely ignoring the fact that I had set myself free.

"Alright, I know that you could probably kick my ass in a fight anyways. This was just for intimidation, anyways. Come on, I'll show you how my daughter is doing."


"I said come on."

Watching as he plainly left the room, I put my fists back down wondering what the hell is wrong with these people, and followed him anyways. He had lead me to the room where his family had been waiting. Eirid lied down flatly on the bed looking morbidly feverish. It was beyond a normal cold.

"Nothing a potion can't fix?"

Looking around the room, I figured that my stuff would be in this room Once I found my belt of mysteries on the dressing table, right next to everything else, I kind of came to the conclusion. I walked over to grab a health potion, then went back over to the young Nord girl who breathed heavily, and panted from sickness. Then waking her up, I gave her the bottle.

"Drink this." I told her.

The little girl took the bottle in her hands, and opened it up with her weak little hands. What little energy she had left, she used to drink the potion. Her skin which was once so pale had returned to it's natural tint and her temperature had went down.

"Thank you, kindly." she smiled right before falling back down into the bed, and back asleep.

"She was that sick, huh? Maybe it is best If I hurried to catch this son of a bitch."

Sundas, 10:30 AM, 7th of Morningstar

I recollected my things, and put them back into my room. No one had said that this job was gonna this 'easy'. First I'm battling dwemer centurions, to finding an ancient falmer, to curing colds of little children. Why not add another thing to my list, after searching tons of more dwemer ruins..

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