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Part one


There are two types of secrets;
Those we hide from others.
And those we hide from ourselves

Nothing is certain.
And change is inevitable.

Millions of years after the start of the earth –what the ignorant liked to call the big bang theory– There was a new development.

Something wrong.
Something never heard of before.

Animals adapted, they evolved. It was something that had been put forward by the man Charles Darwin.

The theory of natural selection.
Organic evolution.

What did the law say again? No idea.
It probably went along the line of how certain organisms with favourable traits tend to survive.

Yes, that was how it went. Survival of the fittest, or some gibberish like that.

So it was given, man had to evolve, adapt or stand the risk of being pushed down the food chain.

So evolve did man do.
Humans evolved until it looked like it wasn't possible anymore, but it was.

Mankind did not know exactly when the X gene appeared, but when it manifested it gave the carriers an unfair advantage.

The power to survive and then annihilate the weaker species.

They were called deviants.

That brings us to the another law

The law of heredity.

The X gene was heritable, although it choose to manifest in different ways.

Wasn't that just a delight?

To eat or be eaten?

To be it or not?
A freak or not?

We never stood a chance.

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