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The Saviours:
1. ( Dorothyden ) Leopard - Pacree Moon
Ability: telekinesis. She passes out if she moves/lifts too many things or if the things are too big.
2. ( me ) MistFeather - Pacree Rain
Ability: foresight. She can see any important event that's going to happen in the immediate future fourty seconds before it happens, but sometimes she's not able to do anything about it fast enough.
3. ( softboysalad  ) SongSplash - Pacree Sun
   Ability: memory-vision. She can see others' memories when touching them, but it makes her very tired and weak.
4. ( xLittleGriffinx ) CopperSong - Pacree Breeze
Ability: telepathy. She can connect to others' minds, but only creatures that aren't Drolgons. The connection to the minds of Drolgons is a lot weaker, and she can only hear a few words that barely form a single thought.
5. ( FenixFoxZ  ) FlameSight - Pacree Flame
Ability: healing. She can heal small wounds but only on herself.

Pacree Flame
( FenixFoxZ )
Name: FlameSight
Gender: trans mtf she-Drolgon
Sexuality: demisexual panromantic
Age: 21
Personality: a bit shy and gruff at first but when you get to know her she is very sweet and kind. She wants a mate but is scared they would hurt her like her old mate did. Tired all the time, believes in the Spirit Realm, a bit slow, good hunter, doesn't eat much, offers food to her Pacree, would sacrifice herself for the creatures she loves, mourns her mother even though she never met her, wants to find her father.
Appearance: orange-brown fur with cream underbelly, front of neck, paws, tail tip, and inside of wings. Dull green eyes, medium sized, big wings, very fluffy and always looks a bit standoffish.
Relatives: mother died giving birth, father abandoned her after birth.

( me )
Name: DancingShadow (Shadow)
Gender: she-Drolgon
Sexuality: aromantic + asexual (she has bigger goals than a relationship.)
Age: 21
Personality: charismatic, sassy, controlling, sarcastic, cruel
Appearance: rust-orange fur with red-brown splotches on her paws, tail, face, wings, and spine that look like (and may well be) bloodstains. She has wickedly sharp claws, teeth, and spikes, with tall ears and a sleek, elegant build. Her eyes are a burning orange-yellow.
Relatives: no one knows... something with her family happened that made her twisted and cruel, though.
Other: she likes to control Pacree Flame like she's already Alpha, and she does heartless things seemingly to get back at the world for something...

Lead Warrior:

( me )
Name: ThistleFlower
Gender: she-Drolgon
Sexuality: demisexual
Age: 12
Personality: cranky, snappy, sarcastic, rude, snarky, but tries to be nice to those she cares about.
Appearance: warm gray fur with light gray forelegs, muzzle, chest, and tip half of tail, cream-white diamond pattern along forehead, spine, tail, and wings, cream-white paws, ear tips, and tail tip, long, thorn-sharp claws and teeth, slender build with wavy long fur, shimmering golden eyes.
Relatives: DawnBlaze (cousin)
Other: she likes healing Drolgons, but she wishes she was allowed to fight in the War too. She's not allowed to because the Pacree really needs her to be safe to heal everyone else. She practices her fighting techniques every night in secret.

( me )
Name: DawnBlaze
Gender: they-Drolgon (Demi-girl, uses they/them pronouns)
Sexuality: omnisexual with a preference for non-binary-Drolgons
Age: 14
Personality: proud, egotistic, charismatic, fierce, cheerful, teasing, flirty
Appearance: bright ginger fur with dark ginger forelegs, tip-half of tail, and ear tips, cream paws, tail tip, and fluffy mane along her spine, big, muscular build, pale indigo eyes.
Relatives: ThistleFlower (cousin)
Other: they have a booming voice and are very strong. Warning: she flirts with everyone. They will probably flirt with your character at some point.

♪ 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝚂𝚑𝚊𝚍𝚘𝚠𝙷𝚞𝚗𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝚁𝚘𝚕𝚎𝚙𝚕𝚊𝚢 ♫Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz