After The Knock...

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Dream hears a knock on his door...

George knocks on the door...

"Uh- one second Geogre" Dream says.

Dream panics, he cleans everything up as fast as he can, hands washed, lube in the drawer, tissue thrown in the garbage, pants back on.

The entire time he's cleaning up he's worried that George heard him moan his name.

He walks to the door, pauses for a moment and then opens it.

"Can I come in?" George asks, trying to seem innocent.

Dream nods and motions for him to come in.

Luckily the hallway is dark and the only light in Dream's room is his LED lights, they're dark blue at the moment, the low light hides George's hard dick pretty well.

George walks in and sits on Dream's unmade bed. He crosses his legs to attempt to hide his erection.

Shit! I forgot to make my bed! Dream thinks.

His bed is always somewhat made, I knew he was jerking off! George thinks.

"What do you need George?"

"I- Were yo- Why did you run out of the kitchen like that? Are you really ok?"

Dream debates on telling George the truth but he decides to say this,

"Yeah, I'm fine, I just- I just got a random boner and got embarrassed"

Every so often George can tell when Dream is lying and this was one of those times.

"That was a complete lie, what really happened?"

"Um...ok, if I tell you, promise me that you won't hate me"

"Oh, it's that serious. Yeah, I promise you that I won't hate you"

There's awkward silence for a minute before Dream finally works up the nerve to tell George the truth.

"I- I like you, like a lot. I think I might love you, I don't know, I probably sound insane"

Silence fills the air while George tries to comprehend what he just heard. He finally decides to say something,

"Wow! I'm going to be honest, that's not what I was expecting!"

"I knew it, you hate me now!"

"No! No! I don't hate you! I- I um, like you too"


"...I like you too"

Smiles fill both of their faces. They stare at each other, their entire bodies filled with happiness (and a little bit of horniness).

George starts to uncross his legs before remembering that he's still hard. Dream is standing in front of George so he notices that he's hard. George quickly crosses his legs.

Dream walks over to his bed and sits next to George.

"Do you need some help?"

"No, I'm good" George days with an awkward laugh.

"How'd it happen?"

"Well when you ran into me, never mind"

"No, tell"

George starts blushing from the new nickname.

"...ok, when you ran into me I- I could feel your muscles and I imagined some stuff..."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2021 ⏰

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