Chapter Nineteen

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"Good job, Car."

The words clang through me like an anvil being struck, ringing in my ears, but I don't turn.

I don't dare take my eyes from the game to check, but ..


That has to be Easton because other than Carson, nobody else calls me Car.

Nobody else with a masculine voice, that is.

But I can't let myself get excited like I did the first game.

Getting excited is a distraction and one that I can't afford right now.

So, when the inning draws to a close, I still don't turn around, don't do anything, but keep my neck and back straight and stride into the dugout.

Once inside, I collapse onto the bench, sweat burning my eyes as I shed my helmet and guzzle water from my bottle as if it's the last bit of liquid on Earth.

I'm swiping a sweaty arm across my equally sweaty brow when Sydney pokes her head into the building, leaning against the brick wall to keep her balance, "Carly?"

I swallow the gulp of water I'd been holding in my mouth as I turn towards her, but don't say anything.

"You, uh," she glances over her shoulder and then back at me, "Just come here."

Eyebrows furrowing in confusion, I stand, my shin guards clicking as I walk to where Syd is standing, biting her bottom lip. She leaves me enough room to slide through the doorway in my gear.

My helmet, which is hanging limp from my fingers, drops the second I see what she wanted me to.

I was right.

He's here.

I register nothing else, barely remember anything else, as I run towards him, as fast as my gear allows, and throw my arms around his neck, burrowing my face into his shirt like I'll never let him go.

"I missed you, too," he says, his voice right next to my ear, his arms going around me despite both a bulky chest protector and a fence standing in the way.

"Wait a minute," I pull away, my hands still resting on his shoulders like I'm scared he'll turn to dust and disappear if I let go, "What are you doing here?"

My boyfriend gives a bashful shrug, "I've been talking to Carson about coming to one of your games to surprise you. You're not mad, are you?"

"Mad?" I give a soft chuckle, pulling him into yet another hug, deciding that he's worth the slight distraction, as I say quiet enough that only he can hear, "I've never been more excited."

When I pull away this time, I gasp, my eyes flitting down to the eye black now smeared onto his shirt sleeve, where my cheek had rested seconds earlier.

"I stained your shirt," I say, lamely, rubbing the small smear between my thumb and forefinger.

He barely glances down at it before meeting my eyes again and huffing a laugh, "I don't care."

"Are you sure? I can-"

"Car, listen to me," using his finger, he tilts my eyes up to meet his, "I don't care about my shirt, or anything else right now. All I care about is you."

I bite my lip, fighting against the urge to kiss him, just as Easton's eyes flit back behind us where, I see now, a small crowd has gathered, Faith amongst them.

All of them look as if they're in shock, their jaws hanging slack and their eyes wide.

"Guys, this is Easton," I clear my throat, turning completely around to face them and not him as I add, "My boyfriend."

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