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I don't know where to start. There is so much I want to say. There is so much I have to say. I just cannot find the right words to.

I love you too much to lose you like this. I love you too much to just throw away everything.

I cannot just "up and leave".

I have mistreated you, I know you deserved better.

I made it seem like you were at fault when you really were not.

The words I spoke hurt you.

Uncountable times.

Yet you stayed.

I still cannot figure out why you did that but I am glad you did. I know I might be wrong but I feel like you stayed because you believe in me.You believed in yourself. And most important of all,

You believed in us.

I tore your world apart. And now I cannot stop thinking about how I hurt your heart.

I am sorry I did.

I regret it.

I really do.

I know sorry will never be enough for all the pain I put you through but if it is any worth, you still cross my mind everyday.

I still read our old texts. I look at your pictures. I smile when I see you smiling that innocent and pure smile of yours. And then I cry.

I cry because I am the reason it is lost now.

The thought of you makes me smile, and I know our love was real, so I'm writing you this letter so that you know how I truly feel.

What I really want to say is that I'm sorry, I know that you didn't deserve to be hurt like that, and I know that you will find someone who will love you and treat you right, they will make you happy and that person won't hurt you like I did.

I just wanted to say sorry for everything I have done. And just wanted to say I love you.

And like I promised. I will continue to.

Always and Forever.

With love,
The girl who broke you down

A//n : I actually messaged them some parts of this letter. I think this is my favorite one out of all because of the "Smile" part. 

I write the author notes, right before publishing and reading this again, made me think of his smile and I couldn't help but smile myself. I can assure you that smile is the most innocent one you'll ever see. 

I am sorry, I still am. And I still mean every word I wrote in this letter, and the others as a matter of fact. 

Anyway, I hope you are enjoying this so far. Let me know your honest thoughts.

If you have any tips on how to improve my writing, and if you want to critique, I am always down for that.

At last, I want to say thank you for giving me a chance.

With love,

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