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I am not going to say I am sorry again. Even though I am.

I know how annoying it will be to read a dumb girl, who broke your heart say sorry over and over again because she doesn't seem like she's sorry at all.

But, I wish you knew. I wish you knew that I really am.

I understand the gravity of what I've done, my actions have filled me with self-loathing and remorse. It's difficult for me to look in the mirror and I'm not proud of the person I see there when I do.

I have no excuse for what happened and saying "I'm sorry" hardly seems adequate. But if you could forgive me this time, I promise you this will never happen again. Both the suffering that I've caused you and the misery I feel now show me that breaking my word causes too much damage to both of us to ever want to do it again.

I never, ever, ever meant to hurt your feelings. It's the last thing I would ever want to do.

If you don't believe anything else, please know that. Please know that I am sorry beyond any of the words I put to paper.

Hurting someone you love and knowing that you are the one that caused the pain is much more painful than you think. But I know you're hurt too.
After all, I hurt you.

I never realized the implications of my behavior and words and the effect they would have on you. I've always been casual with words, never giving a thought to how they could be weaponized, how piercing they could be, and how hurtful they are.

What it took to get me here was that fleeting moment when I saw the deep, honest, and profound hurt in your eyes.

And I am sorry that you had to feel it.

All because of me.

I know it is my fault.

I own up to what I did.

You've told me before how I've hurt your feelings, I'd listen, apologize and we would move on. But I never really understood what it meant. I viewed it as casually as my words. I understood it in my mind but not emotionally.

Now I do.

And I am still going to say the same while I put this to an end.

I am sorry.

I truly truly am.

And that I love you.
Yes, I still love you.

With love,
The girl who broke your heart

A//n: I do not have much to say.. TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF ! Hope you liked this <3


I'm so sorry I still haven't figured out how the (@)thing works.. so sorry ;(

With Love,

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