The question is still unanswered, thank you.

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A problem that Leo seems to see in himself almost every time is his curiosity. It has been an issue for him since he was a child, and has led him into trouble plenty of times, without a single exception. He sometimes curses himself for it, while still praising himself. But, yes, it was and remains, to this day, an issue.

It was the main object that had brought him outside the classroom. It was the same thing that had forced him to follow Desmond leading to where he had cursed him, but he knew he should have been more grateful, but he couldn't. Not when a distant memory had taken over his control of breathing. Also, it was the same thing that had brought him to the elevator, even with the death sign hanging outside, and it was the same thing that had led him to this hospital.

The voices that he had heard getting dimmer, had now completely disappeared, and with a last fleeting look at the boy on the bed, he tiptoed outside, his footsteps being completely lost in the soft, plush and thick carpet, as he continued to walk down the hallway, searching for their voice, and he wondered.

There were so many corridors here, plenty of rooms, but there did not seem to be any other patient than the one in the room he had formerly been in. Were all the rooms then to only accommodate the family members? And, the doctors and the nurses? Was this even a hospital? And, why did it look more like a house?

He decided that he did not have time for pondering. He was on another mission. One where he would find out what was wrong with the place.

He quickened his pace, as he finally stopped in front of another door, where he heard a few grunts coming. The door almost automatically opened, even though he did not touch a single knob, and neither had he breathed out when the door opened itself.

And, when it did, he almost wished that it hadn't, as he saw two figures split apart almost immediately from where they had been standing, and by the looks of it, they looked like nurses, one of whom had the top of her shirt buttons open, and a light red bruise grazed her pale skin, a little below the collarbone, while the other had only the evidence of her tousled black hair to allow him to understand what was going on, and understand he did, but only after he had stood there like a fish out of water, his mouth closing and opening, as he kept on looking at the two, one of whom turned her faces away, while the other looked at him, first with surprise, then with increasing rage.

"Ah, there you are, little guy," Desmond's voice rang out behind him, and he turned, almost dying of joy at being taken out of the uncomfortable situation. He looked at him with a smirk, before walking forward towards the two, who stood there with wide smiles on their faces. "I'm extremely apologetic if this guy out here," he looked pointedly at Leo, who flushed under the gaze, "interrupted you very rudely."

The girl with the markings on her collarbone fixed her shirt, as she walked forward to envelop him in a hug, while the one behind her kept on glaring at Leo, who looked like he was about to cry.

"Come on, Emma, he didn't mean it," Desmond laughed as he stepped out of the hug, while Leo nodded like a mad man. A demented mad man with a sweaty tooth, if you may.

"The door just opened on its own, I'm sorry," Leo mumbled and Desmond glanced at him before smiling at the two girls, nodding, and with a hand on Leo's back, drifting back to the previous room.

"Why did you leave?"

"I was bored?" Leo answered, in a tone that symbolized more of a question than an answer, making Desmond sigh. "How is he, though?" He asked Desmond, as his eyes drifted towards the boy who lay still.

"Still unconscious. Irresponsive. All the injuries have been healed though," Desmond stated as a matter of fact, but his eyebrows scrunched at the end of his sentence, and he had to turn his head slightly to look at the sleeping lad, who was oblivious to the turmoil that was going on in Desmond's mind.

Has llegado al final de las partes publicadas.

⏰ Última actualización: May 05, 2022 ⏰

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