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incoming message: (4)
unknown number


it was funny the first time

but it's not funny after the 30th time

so i'm telling you now and never again: stop.


1. who tf even are u

2. can u tell what funny was so i can laugh too?

and 3. i think u got the wrong number pookie

you're y/n aren't you?

depends on who wants to know

obviously me you idiot

well and who are you?

i really don't have the time and patience
to deal with your idiotic ass to be honest.

well boohoo then lighten me up?

who are you

call me idiot one more time and you'll be sorry

the person you keep tagging


bro i swear idk who tf you are but

delete my number i'm not in the mood

for stupid shit like that.

well neither am i so stop tagging me

in posts like that.

on god im starting to get angry

mf leave me alone and stop bs me!

you're getting blocked

i'm saying.

stop tagging me in those weird ass
porn sites on twitter. got it?

porn sites...


lmao ok even if i did that

which i didn't

why u complaining lmao?

enjoy it  💦💦

well i would if it would've
been lesbian porn or sum.

it's not lesbian porn? sad

oh so u be like that?

so stop. i'm tired of it.

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