Author's note

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Alright I originally wrote this fanfiction on TikTok, yes I was that person so feel free to drag me in the comments but here's a shameless self promo.

Follow my anime Tiktok account for all anime related content (including this original story):

Follow my main account for dancing, skits, or comedy related videos: @princess1613 (don't laugh I made this account when TikTok was

Follow my Pinterest account for all of the photos used: @KaydenRose1616


I originally wrote this back in November, and I haven't reread it since, so this is definitely the edited version. However, don't think too deeply about the fact that Y/n goes to Karasuno but is neighbors with Bokuto, let's just pretend it works.

I am also born and raised in Florida so disregard all the "y'alls" and other drawn out words. Also there is most likely grammar issues just overlook that and remember this is a Wattpad story that was made on TikTok. BUT you can be rest assured that I won't be saying "orbs" instead of eyes. Lmao

Even with these minor flaws I am still proud of the story and how it turned out. Feel free to leave any tips and critiques.

Without a further ado I hope you enjoy the story :)

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