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The hangover feels like a balloon under my cranium, slowly being inflated, pressure mounting. I splash cold water on my face just to feel something refreshing and instantly wish I could wash my brain free of the toxins too. The mirror shows my eyes, no longer the glamour girl of last night, a lattice of pink over the white.

Stood over the still dirty sink into the cabin bathrooms, my brain is actually hurting from last night. I woke up and immediately ran here feeling the bile creeping up my throat, luckily I made it in time for it to hit inside the toilet bowl and not the forest floors.

"You look like shit, Wright." The toilets echo with his voice.

"Fuck off, Barnes." I look into the reflection of the mirror to see him standing behind me, "you don't look any better."

"I always look good." He talks before going into one of the cubicles.

"Who's been lying to you?" The tinkling off pee hitting water sounds making me scrunch my face in disgust.

The chain flushes and he walks back out, still doing up the button on his shorts, meeting eyes with me in the mirror. I just shake my head and exit the bathroom before anymore words are said.

I walk over to the wooden picnic tables, where many other students are, grabbing a bacon roll on my way and plopping onto a empty table. I pick at the roll not really having an appetite at the moment before my peace is interrupted by Mr Davies sliding in on the opposite bench.

"Mary, are you okay? You don't look very well." His eyes trace all over my face making me paranoid.

"M'fine, just hay fever." I pull my eyes down to look at my bacon roll, saving any suspicion.

"Okay... well if you need any allergy spray, I have some in the medic kit," he rambles on and I just nod in thanks, "how are you and Barnes getting on? Neither of you have killed each other yet, so I'm guessing good?" His eyes fill with hope.

"Just if you happen to get a spare room, let me know." He nods disappointedly before standing and heading on to forcing the next student into a conversation.

As I'm sitting alone, the sound of conversation going on around me, I realise that I haven't spoke to Rita to hear how she is feeling. With that thought, I stand up and head back to the cabin, grabbing a bottle of water to nurse my headache on the way.

I reach the empty cabin and rest on my bed, pulling my phone out and calling Rita's number. It rings a few times before she answers:

'Hey boo! I have good news for you!'

"Please tell me you're coming on this trip!" I practically beg.

'You guessed right! I'll be there 5PM tomorrow, illness free!' She cheers down the phone.

"Thank god! I miss you so much, guess who I have been roomed with."


"James fucking Barnes! I haven't been able to breath with him being my partner!"

'No way!,' she exclaims through the device, 'wait.. you're sharing a room with him?'

"Yes. It's like hell."

'Mary! This can be your chance to get laid and you're seriously complaining?'

"Excuse me?! Did you ignore who I said it was? James Barnes! We hate each other." I shout through the line.

'Mary, you haven't had sex since that poor excuse of a boyfriend like,' I can imagine her counting on her fingers, '8 months ago!'

Field Trip | Bucky Barnes x OCWhere stories live. Discover now