Chapter 1: "The King's Resurrection"

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Many years after the death of Michael Jackson, the whole world misses his presence. His music has been played worldwide, and his legacy lives on forever.

His family and friends miss him deeply so much. No other artist will be like him. He's so loved by the world.

And that's not all, the entire city of LA's crime levels have increased dramatically. Many people have been kidnapped and murdered almost every night, and the government couldn't find a way to stop it.

A professional witch named Michelle, has gotten the courage and idea in trying to resurrect MJ, in exchange of giving hope to the world

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A professional witch named Michelle, has gotten the courage and idea in trying to resurrect MJ, in exchange of giving hope to the world. She wants the world to be happy again. Besides that, she wants to find a spell in ending the huge number of crimes in LA.

Unfortunately, she has to keep her practices in secret. She usually works as a business owner of a hair salon, but she's secretly a witch, practicing the dark arts.

On a cold night of August, Michelle comes home from work at the salon, and prepares her resurrection spell under her basement. She practiced necromancy with dead animals like cats and rats, and they successfully worked. She hasn't practiced with real human corpses, because there's no way in fulfilling her skills.

All she needed is a picture of Michael, some candles, chicken feet, and her spell book.

She seems to be nervous about her first time attempting to resurrect a real human being after many years of being dead. It seems to be a huge challenge that no one has ever intended.

What if it doesn't succeed? What if the spell goes wrong? Will there be chaos? She'll see.

Several hours after the preparation, a lightning storm is about to occur, and Michelle has it planned for that moment since she watched the weather news.

The storm is becoming intense.

Michelle sits under her marked pentacle on the basement floor, with candles on each point of the star, and the materials she prepared.

She opened the book of spells, and reached to the page for necromancy.

She poured the special powder over MJ's photograph over the pentacle, and begins reading the spells.

She reads the spells in Latin.

The candles flames move aggressively because of how strong the magic spell is.

Michelle couldn't help herself but then using her spiritual connection with Michael's spirit from beyond.

-Michael Jackson... can you hear me? It's time for you to wake up and return to the world for the best... the world wants you back!- She says through her telepathic powers to Michael's spirit.

Meanwhile, as the spells begin to manifest, at Holly Terrace, where Michael is buried at Glendale, his tomb begins to shake... and crack from the top.

The tombstone breaks, revealing a green light with a white fog.

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