Chapter 7: "Halloween"

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It's October 31st, 2024.

It's finally Halloween night, and the whole family is excited to celebrate.

Mom and dad are disguised as Morticia and Gomez Addams from the Addams family. While Anna and Sam are dressed as Supergirl and Spider-Man.

The entire city of Beverly Hills neighborhood is fully decorated with spooky decorations and small haunted houses. Kids are out in their costumes, and guests are delivering candy.

Anna is waiting for Eric to arrive.

Suddenly, someone knocks on the door.

Mom opened the door, and it's Eric, he showed up dressed up as the Joker from the 2019 movie.

-Oh good evening, mister. Are you Anna's boyfriend?- Mom seems excited to see him.

-Yes, I'm Eric, and no, I'm not her boyfriend. We're friends. She told me that we're driving to the neighborhood at the other side.-

-Sounds lovely. Well, we're headed to the party and you folks stay safe, okay?-

Eric gets close to Anna. Anna looks surprised.

-The Joker, really? What happened to your dinosaur costume?-

-It would be uncomfortable to drive with it, so I chose a much easier outfit. Besides, we fit together as comic book characters-

-Sounds fair. Sam is very excited to go trick or treating with us. He's already dressed as Spider-Man-

-Great! I'll meet you at the car-

When Eric goes back to his car, Anna hugs her parents before leaving.

-Be safe, okay? Keep your little brother with you at all times.- Dad said.

-I will, dad. You be safe too.-

-Oh we will. You guys be home early, okay?-

-Yes, dad. Have a fun night!-

Anna and Sam went inside the car with Eric. They finally drove off.

Meanwhile, at the hidden park, Michael begins to freak himself out. All his remaining food ran out, and now he's desperate to get more food to survive.

He knows it's Halloween so it's gonna be the perfect time to go out and hopefully find some people attacking others. He doesn't wanna do it, but he must feed to stop his hunger.

Back at the neighborhood, Anna, Sam and Eric are together having fun

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Back at the neighborhood, Anna, Sam and Eric are together having fun. Sam picked up candy from the houses, and even took pictures with the people in costumes.

It's becoming a nice time.

Anna and Eric finally get to go out together since they've been seeing each other in school.

While they walk towards the neighborhood, they start a little conversation.

Anna holds Sam's hand to keep him safe.

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