Chapter 4: "The Stranger"

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The sky turns cloudy, and it's about to rain.

Michael continues to walk by the alley all by himself, until he noticed something around the corner.

It's a poor homeless man asking for food or money

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It's a poor homeless man asking for food or money. Michael desires to at least take a bus, but he's afraid to do it because of these new laws in transportation.

So he does the right thing.

He takes out the money he found inside his hoodie, bends down in front of the homeless man, and gives him the $10 dollars with the coins on his hand.

-Thank you, sweet stranger. God bless you- The man told Michael, unaware that it's actually a zombie with a loving heart who helped him.

Michael can't say a word, because then the guy would freak out. So he gently nodded him instead, accepting his gratitude.

Michael then walks away, not looking back.

He did something good he hasn't done in such a long time. He'll always be the most compassionate man the world ever loved.

He reached the end of the alley, and he's beginning to feel anxious and scared about getting to talk surrounded with people who might see him as a complete stranger.

He's not a famous celebrity being caught by the media and being guarded with bodyguards anymore. He's a loner now, and completely dead. At least he covered himself with cologne so people won't notice his nasty corpse smell.

He must act natural as much as he can.

Luckily, the streets are now getting covered with rain. So it's his chance to roam around the streets, making himself look like he's protected by the rain.

He doesn't have an umbrella, but he doesn't care. He doesn't feel cold at all. He's now completely free to just walk and walk, and avoid slipping on the ground or getting hit by something or someone.

It's gonna be extremely difficult.

He must keep walking on his way to Beverly Hills, at the house where he stayed for the last time, and hopefully, find his family, if only they could trust him.

The only problem is, that he could go hungry again. He swear he wish he had any money to go buy himself a piece of raw steak and eat it at a hidden alley, but unfortunately all he should find is a live animal like a rat or mouse by the dumpsters, or insects, or worse, a deadly criminal.

He should keep his mind focused and keep walking.

If he gets hungry again, he must find somewhere to hide and lock himself up before it's too late. He doesn't want to hurt anybody, or start an apocalypse, if that's possible.

It's gonna be a long walk. For now on, he's headed to North Hollywood.

Meanwhile, at Anna's house, Anna and her brother are staying at home because of the weather.

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