chapter 24

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Waking the next morning I was still wrapped in Pietro's arms, he had held me all night. He was still asleep as I carefully left the bed and made my way to the kitchen. Vision was there reading a book while sipping on some tea, he heard me enter and looked up to me.

"Hello Luna, how are you feeling?" he asked.

"Hi Vis, I'm okay, what are you doing here?"

"I brought Wanda up to bed and she asked me to stay" "Is that okay?"

I smiled, "Of course Vis, your always welcome, I hope you guys are happy"

"We are" he smiled.

I made myself a cup of tea and sat on the single couch, I wanted to ask about last night but couldn't find the words. As if he know what I wanted to say he answered my unsaid question.

"Last night he was upset about what happened, he didn't want it to happen, he didn't kiss her." he said, "However Wanda, Clint and Steve did give him glares".

I laughed and smiled which Vision returned. We sat in a comfortable silence for awhile until Wanda and Pietro walked in, Wanda went to Vision and gave him a kiss before making herself a coffee. Pietro came over to me and hesitated on what to do, he didn't want to do something that might upset me. I grabbed his hand and brought him down to me, I put my hand on the back of his neck and pulled him into a kiss. He relaxed and kissed back, when I pulled back he had a smile on his face.

"I love you princesa" he whispered.

"I love you too Speedy"

Pietro and I spent the rest of the day snuggling on the couch together watching movies with Wanda and Vision, we needed the time to be with each other after the previous nights events.


January flew by quickly with a lot missions to fill it and soon it was a few days before valentines day. Pietro and I wanted to make some sort of plans but luck wasn't on our side, Pietro and the team were to be sent on a mission that would last a week. But not only would we miss valentines day but while he was on the mission I was going to be in heat, it was going to be horrible.

A day before valentines day I went to the cabin, Pietro helped me get settled but he I could tell he was feeling guilty and annoyed. I placed my arms around his neck and hugged him, I wanted inhale his scent and remember it.

"Princesa I'm so sorry I wont be hear to help you. But I'll have my phone with me so don't you dare to hesitate to call me okay?" he said looking into my eyes.

"I promise Pietro" I whispered and kissed him. 

He held the back of my neck and moved my head to the side so he could deepen the kiss, I could feel how bad he wanted to stay, how much he loved me in the kiss. After a few minutes we reluctantly broke the kiss and he left for the mission, I felt alone in the cabin and I knew this wasn't going to be a good few days.

Later that night my heat started, the pain was so bad but nothing I did helped. It was worse then the first time and I cried when it wouldn't let up, I wanted to call Pietro, I wanted him here but he was on a mission and what if called him when he needed to be quiet? I couldn't risk it. I rummaged through my bag and found a bottle of pain killers Bruce and Tony had given me as an attempt to try and get some painless rest, the pills help to dull the pain enough to get some sleep but it didn't get rid of it completely.

By the second night I was close to breaking point, I kept taking the pills as often as I could but I only had been given a few pills in the bottle. I laid in bed after taking the pill and waited for the numbing effects, just when the pill kicked in and bang came from the door.

"Come out now or they die!" a voice yelled from the door.

I began to feel the panic in my rise, I didn't have any weapons to protect myself or to save whoever they had hostage. Oh god did they have Jonah's family and him? I didn't have a choice, I needed to help them.

I grabbed the key that was left in the cabin and opened the door, a dozen men in black tactical gear and a red octopus logo stood outside. Jonah and his family were kneeling and huddled together, a man lifted a gun to Jonah's head and looked at me.

"Will you come willingly or do I need to kill them?"

Jonah gave me a pleading look for help but also not to go, I gave him a sad smile.

"I'll go"

The man grunted and hit the back of Jonah's and his family heads, knocking them unconscious. My arms were forced behind my back and bound together, I was dragged away and thrown into the back of a black van were I felt a sharp pain in my neck before it all went dark.

Everyone pov
Everyone had just finished their recon assignments for the mission and were headed back to the safe house were they had been staying for the mission. As soon as they arrived Tony got alerted of an urgent phone call, he went to the computer and answered they call.


"Hey Tony! Its Jonah from the wildlife preserve, we have an emergency."

Everyone quickly gathered around the screen as a video of Jonah popped up, he had a bruise on his face and was holding an ice pack to his head.

"Jonah what happened?" asked Nat.

"We were ambushed in our home, they told me to take them to the cabin or they would kill my family. They told Luna to go with them or we were dead, she agreed and that's the last thing I remember before being knocked out"

"Do you know who took her?" said Tony.


Everyone was quiet. Pietro was scared, angry and feeling guilty about leaving her alone. Wanda wrapped her arm around her brother and tried to keep him calm. Nat and Clint got as much details from Jonah as they could while Tony called Fury to have another team come take over the mission so they could go find Luna. After an hour the team left the safe house and headed back to the compound, the team were quiet the whole trip and Pietro cried silent tears.

Luna pov
I woke up on a cold metal surface, and a light hanging over head. I tried to move and found myself strapped down, I begin to panic and frantically look around the room. I was in a Grey room with various cabinets and tables full of tools, a single set of double doors were to my right. I don't know how long I laid there for but eventually several people in white lab coats came in and started talking in another language, I think it was German. One of them came over to me and gave me a grin.

"Hello subject 2368, nice to have you back"

I didn't reply and kept a watchful eye on them, he went over to a table and held up a needle with a green liquid in it. I began to struggle as he came closer to me again, the others held me down and he gripped my arm.

"We are going to make you better so stay still" he laughed and plunged the needle in my arms. I burning sensation filled my body and I screamed at the pain, he kept injecting me with many different colored liquids before I passed out from exhaustion and pain.

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