Chapter-36- Jessica

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Emma's POV
Maybe it's the booming voice of Poseidon or maybe the size of him, I don't know, but the whole place started shaking and rumbling. It was clear that we might be crushed any minute which was why we started running, getting out of there.

"Aren't we supposed to like, I don't know, help Poseidon? Like usually the demigod fights with his godly parent or something. Aren't we supposed to do that?" Max asked us while we were running.

 Jess and I turned our heads looking at him with an expression saying 'are you dumb?'. "What!?" He asked us confused. I shook my head and looked at Jessica. "How can he be so dumb?" I asked. She just shrugged. "Must have been born that way," she replied nonchalantly. I chuckled.

"Max, dear, Poseidon is a freaking god for heaven's sake. He neither needs our help and nor do we need to do his dirty work. He can manage by himself. Besides, the stories where you read that the demigod is fighting beside the god, I think that is just plain stupid. Besides they either end up dead or hurt and the god is just fine." I said scoffing and Jessica nodding her head in the background.

We somehow, after a lot of running in different directions, saw light and came out of the weird maze/tunnel. I finally took some fresh air then shivered. I realized I was wet. How the hell did I not notice it?! Jessica saw this and hugged me. I looked at her fondly and hugged her too. Suddenly the ground started shaking and the mountain, in which the maze was, started crumbling a bit by bit.

(Stupid life and death situation, ruined the beautiful moment. )

We started moving towards where apparently the ship was. We saw the ship and then the few people on it. Three people I knew well, stood there waving at us. Trellis was screaming for us to run fast and Alex was waving his hands, whereas Scarlet was helping other people onto the boat who I guessed were the Amazons.

We came near a cliff and Jessica told Max to slowly get us down to the beach type of place to get to the ship. He nodded and was about to do it but then suddenly Jessica shouted, "Watch out!"

Everything happened very fast. Jessica pushed me to the side and the boulder hit her, rolling off of the cliff taking her with it. I was on the ground shocked along with Max who stood there dumbfounded. I came to my senses and went near the cliff with my legs trembling. "No, no, no, no, no, this can't be happening. No, no!" I looked over the cliff to find the boulder smashed into the ground.

My brain went blank. The only thing which kept repeating in my head was the last line of the prophecy.

"whilst one of them has gone astray."

That didn't mean she ...died right? She must still be alive. Yes! No way can she die. Then where is she? She should at least be down there, right?

Max came and kept a hand on my shoulder. "Emma you need to calm down. We need to escape." His eyes looked pained and dripped with sadness.
"Jessica," I said looking at him with tears in my eyes. He shook his head. I burst into tears.

"It's all my fault. How could I be so stupid?" She's protected me. Again!!! How could I be so useless? If she didn't, she's still there. I know it! She's not dead." Saying that I got up wiping my tears.

"Let's go do-," before I could finish my sentence the whole place started crumbling and the ground beneath us was falling apart. Max held my hand and the next moment we were flying towards the ship. "No! We need to find Jessica!" I started trying to free myself but he held my waist tight and took me towards the ship. I could feel his energy draining so with a sigh, I stopped making a fuss.

We reached the boat and I saw that the place where we were crumbled. If Jessica was actually under that cliff there was no way she would have survived it. "Where is Jessica?" Alex asked. Tears escaped from my eyes and I broke down. Trellis looked shocked but silently came and hugged me while Max just stood there shocked. He didn't move an inch.

The boat started moving away from the island to taking a turn to the other part of the island.

Hey guys!
Well damn, it's been....weeks since I updated it. Well, this story will end in few more chapters.  And so....Jessica died....I'm pretty sure you guys are cursing me. Oops 🙊. Anyway ......death is inevitable (you guys: shut up!) ...okay.....
Welp! see you in the next chapter I guess. Buiiiii. Love you guys.
Peace out

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