Chapter 24 - Humafly?

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When I woke up, I was in the air and the wind was blowing in my face. I felt as though someone was holding me. My first thought was "This must be another dream. Again," but it felt too real to be a dream. The wind was smooth and not harsh. It felt good. Then I thought that it might be Max but it felt really strange , as though the one holding me was not even a human. I turned to look at who it was. It was monster. Why am I not surprised? But that was not the problem now. How did I wind up, in this bizarre situation!? What happened after I fainted on that weird island? What the hell was happening? Where are my friends? I felt so confused.

'We can think about that later Emma. First I need to get out of this particular situation.' I thought to myself. I slowly reached out for my bracelet. The monster didn't notice it. Thank gosh. I slowly untied it and held it in a way that when it transforms it could go right though it's gut. Pretty good idea right? The bracelet morphed into a sword and the monster screamed, which my ears didn't appreciate. We plunged towards the sea and in that process it released me. Now usually anyone would be tensed about plunging into the sea but surprisingly, I was clam.

We hit the water and I used my power to stand on the water. I felt a thrill and excitement rising in my body. I glided on the water and to get away from the monster. It came out of the water , flying and started giving off a unpleasant sound. It looked like a human, except with very weird looking skin and a pair of wings.  I deflected the monster with my sword and tried to slice through its body. I started felling exhausted, as I was overexerting myself again . It attacked me, I tried defending but its claws scratched me . It stingied a little, but let's think about it later . I made the water splash on its face then stabbed it. It disappeared into smoke and this time it was unpleasant for my nose.

After gliding through the water for a while ,I reached an island. It looked good and peaceful. When I landed on the sand, my surroundings disappeared and I was looking at white layer of ....smog. I took a step back. It couldn't be..... Just then the ground disappeared and I fell screaming (obviously I would scream).

My butt hurt. Seriously, couldn't they put a cushion or something? I opened my eyes and saw that I was in very weird cave kinda place. The only thing I saw was, I was in a cage with only the top open, through which I came. I clutched the bars. They were really really strong. "Well well well. Who do we have here?" A feminine voice said. A person walked in . First I thought it was a she but she looked like a 'He'. He/She had a boyish hair cut and wore weird clothes and mask so I couldn't see his/her face.

"If it isn't Emmaly Walton." She/ he said (ahh this is confusing ). I glared at her. "It's Emma." She paused and then said, "Well, if it isn't Emma Walton. " Wow what a way to cover up a mistake. "I am Shea." Ok so it's a 'She'. "And you," she came forward. I hid my bracelet so she couldn't see it. I was really exhausted. I used too much of my power and I really didn't wanted to fight and my scar from before hurt. The fight was hurting a lot and now I have throbbing head ache. Urghh. " You are my sacrifice, for my plans. Daughter of Poseidon," saying that she laughed evilly but in the middle she started coughing. Wow. Also should have expected, the sacrifice part.

I so didn't know what to make of this situation. "Why are you doing this?" She looked at me with her purple eyes( yep, she had purple eyes. I just noticed it). " I am not gonna tell you. Hmmph." She said like a kindergartener who was mad for a petty reason. She is such a weirdo. "But I would love to kill you and draw your blood out," she finished. Oooo...k so she's a psycho too. Nice.(oh she's sweet but a psycho a little bit psycho...wait no a lot more than a bit psycho) .

Just then something fell behind me. I turned back clutching my bracelet thinking that it might be that weird looking humafly ( yep I'm calling that weird monster that, got a problem, well I don't care)but it wasn't that. It was Max. "Hey, you busy?" He asked, grinning.

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