Chapter -6 The Voice

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The dream was dark at first but my eyes slowly adjusted and I could see a little. "Soon," a strong and ancient kinda voice said. I couldn't tell where it was coming from or from whom, since no one was there. It was like it was channelled into my mind directly. "Very soon I shall once again rule." I was terrified. I wanted to speak and ask him who he was, but my mouth was shut close (so cliche). Then suddenly out of nowhere a fish came, "Wake up," it said in a very familiar voice. "How long are you going to sleep?". I woke up and bumped into someone's head. " Ow!!" we both said at the same time.

"Careful, are you trying to crack my head open?". It was Jessica. "Sorry," I said. The voice was still ringing in my head. "I wonder who it was?" I muttered. "What?" Jessica asked. "Nothing," I said quickly. "Why did you wake me up? It's 3 o'clock in the morning. And besides aren't you supposed to be in the infirmary? Oh, and how is your leg?". "It's fine. Took some Ambrosia, but that's not the case here. We have a problem. Here," she gave me coin which looked bigger than a regular coin. It had a goddess on it, who I didn't recognise. "What?" I asked. Then she pointed to the bathroom. "You need to be more specific". She sighed like it was a drag to say anything. Finally, she said, "Your parents. They don't know where you are. They probably are worried about you".

I sprang out of the bed so fast, that Jessica almost fell back and I started panicking. "Oh no, what are we gonna do!?" I felt so bad. How could j have forgotten about it? My dad is going to kill me (I'm way more scared of him than the monster). "Calm down. We are going to Iris message them, and just tell her you are with me at a camp. You can tell her about the situation later cause they are mortals and it is going to freak them out. So yeah". "That is a great idea," I said.

I know what you all might be thinking but my parents are okay with that kinda explanation because they don't care. It involved Jess so they would be extra okay,(it sounds cool but it's not because if they don't worry about you...well that is sad).

Jessica lead me to the bathroom which kinda shocked me. It had a small fountain on the edge and had a shower, toilet and a sink (obviously.) It was dark blue with black patterns. "Wow. The interior is good," I said. "I know right. Nico chose it," she said excitedly. I looked at her surprised. "You met Nico Di Angelo?" I asked her. "Duh, he is my brother," she said proudly. I nodded. I looked at the coin Jessica gave me. "Okay, so how do I do this?"

Jessica told me it would take a long time if I did it, so she did it for me and asked me to tell my address, along with my mom's name aloud. And so I did. "Sag harbour, street 7, block 27, Levy Walton". The air shimmered and a women who was pacing appeared. 

She was slim, elegant, beautiful with long brown hair and warm black eyes. She had a medium skin tone and was wearing a formal skirt and a suit. She looked really worried. "I wonder where she went. She could at least leave a note." She stopped for a moment and turned towards a man who was in a suit as well and had black hair with brown eyes and was wearing specs. He was little tanned but was otherwise, clear he had a white skin tone.

"Do you think she was kidnapped?". Okay she was going way too far now. So I called her, "Mom. Dad. " They both turned towards me. "Emma?" my mom asked. "Why are you Video calling on the laptop?". Ok so, they are thinking we are video calling. That is amazing. Now I don't need to explain all the stuff. "Where are you?" my dad asked. "Oh my God. I knew you were kidnapped. Where are you? We will come there right now," my mother panicked. Jessica started laughing from the corner. I rolled my eyes.

"Who is that we just heard?" my dad asked. "Dad, I'm fine. It's Jessica. I'm in a camp with her". "What camp?" my mom asked. "Young lady, don't you have the decency to at least inform us. We were about to call the police. Imagine if that happened. It would be a shame to the family. Is this how we raised you?" my Dad scolded. Yep, that's my dad. Cares a lot about what the public thinks, since he thinks that a good reputation would keep his career on a high. "Sorry, dad." I looked at Jessica for help.

She came in my parents' view and stood in perfect position and said, " I'm very sorry we acted in a rash manner, Mr Walton but today was last day to enter. This camp would help us in the future because it teaches us about manners, self-defence and communication." Wow, she is a real charmer. My dad's mood changed from anger to happiness. "Oh, is that so. Emma, you should have told me earlier." I smiled and said, "I'm sorry dad". The image started flickering. I understood we were losing connection.

"Ok, mom, dad. I have to wake up early tomorrow. So bye" I wanted to end it as soon as possible. I was really sleepy. "Ok, darling. Be safe and take care. If  you need anything, just call me." Then Jessica said to herself, "Oh this is the safest place she can ever be." I smiled and said, "Definitely mom. Take care." Then the connection went off. I sighed, relieved.

"Thank you for helping me with my dad," I said to Jessica. "Anytime," she said. We went back to the bed. When I was about to lay down on her bed she stopped me and said,"Go to other bed." I walked to another bed and when I was about to lay there but Jessica stopped me again and said, "You know what, you can sleep on my bed. I will sleep on my brother's bed. God, she is obsessed with Nico.  I groaned and went to her bed and instantly fell asleep hoping I wouldn't have any nightmares...

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