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The shadow travel was the same. It's was fun and at the same time scary. Well, that was the case for me. Alex behind was enjoying it. I couldn't see how it was for Trellis, Scarlet and Jessica. For Max....well he was scared, and I could say that cause he was shaking like hell and I could see he was trying hard to not scream. That part, I felt sorry for him, as well as I wanted to laugh at him. It was funny in a few ways. Thank god, I was not sitting in front of him. He would have squeezed the life out of me. For some reason he didn't squeeze Trellis. He just caught her shoulders tightly.

We came out of the shadows and entered into a place which looked like a park. We all got down and this time I didn't trip. When Max got down he went back to his normal self like the shadow travelling never happened. Jessica looked weak. I went to her to ask if she was okay. She nodded and said, "Ya, just a little tired..." then she fainted. Before she hit the ground I caught her.

"Woah!" I lifted her up. "Looks like her energy level is very low," Scarlet said. Mrs O'leary whimpered. She looked concerned, which was very cute. "Don't worry girl. She will be fine." 
It felt weird calling Mrs O'leary as 'girl' but it just came out of my mouth. Then she licked me. My eyes opened wide. Everyone laughed looking at my expression.

"Well," Trellis said. "It's already late. We should go and rest. We can go search for Rachel tomorrow." We all nodded. "Wait. Where are we?" Max asked. I looked around for any clues on where we were. "It's Manhattan." Scarlet said, "I came here once"

With the help from Alex, we carried Jessica to a nearby hotel, which Scarlet told us about. We went to a nearby hotel and took a room. After laying Jessica on the bed we Iris messaged Chiron. He was in his bed sleeping. We shouted to wake him up. He woke up with a start with his hair all messy. It was so funny.

Before he could scold us we started explaining all the stuff that happened. Especially with Itzel. He looked shocked but then he told. "I knew that you sneaked away because Itzel told us that she tried to stop you but then you knocked her off. It was hard to believe it. Also, the whole camp is furious about what you have done and now they all know about the situation." He kept on scolding us for a few minutes.

Then he sighed. "Fine now we can't do anything. Tell me, what are you planning on doing next?" We told him about our plan on meeting Rachel. He nodded and said, "Yes I suppose that is correct. But do you know where she is?" We told him how we were thinking of finding it about. We told him we were in Manhattan. He looked angry.

"Listen the method you used to find out about where she is very dangerous. It saps out a lot of energy. Don't ever let Jessica use it. Understood?" We were shocked and looked at Jessica. No wonder she was so exhausted. We all nodded. Chiron sighed and told us we were in the right place. He told us Rachel came here for a few days, since she had work here. He then told us to rest and regarded us best of luck. And then he told us with a smile that he would punish us after coming back from our quest. We all gulped and then ended the call.

We all woke up the next day and got ready. "Well then let's go, guys," I said. Trellis looked so excited that I felt happy for her. Even though she was like two years older than me she looked like she was my age. In fact, I felt protective of her as if I was the big sister. She was pretty cute.

"Sorry guys I don't feel that great. So you guys go. I wanna rest. Besides I don't think all of us should go since we might attract monsters," Jessica said. We all nodded. She was right. "Alright. One more person can stay back with her then," I said when Alex immediately answered, "Me!". "Woah. That was fast," I teased him. His face flushed with red colour. It was so interesting.

 Trellis, Scarlet, Max and I headed out. We decided to split up. Trellis wanted to go with me but Scarlet refused to go with Max. So she and Scarlet paired up and I ended up with Max. Why did this happen? Whenever I am with him alone, I just can't keep my mind together. Then we split up and started searching the area where she was last seen. Jessica told us on the morning she was last seen near that park where we landed. I must admit I am pretty worried about her. Especially after what Chiron said, but I guess Alex can take care of her. He was so excited, that made me feel like laughing.

Max then said, "There she is!" He, Trellis, Jess and Alex were the only people who had seen her in our group. That was why me and Scarlet didn't pair up. A red-haired girl was sitting with two other people. One was a blonde girl and another was a jet black-haired guy. When we got near to them I noticed he had the same eye colour as me. I found it strangely familiar even though I had never seen him before.

"Hey, Rachel," Max said. They all looked at us surprised. "Max?" Rachel asked. "Oh my god. What are you doing here?" he smiled. "Then she looked at me and said. "Who is she? Your girlfriend?" My face became red as well as Max's. "What!? N-no." I stuttered. What was wrong with me? Couldn't I just say no properly? Max looked at the other two people who were snickering.

"Hey, guys. You are here too?" Max asked them. Wait, since Max knows them then they must be demigods too. The guy noticed me, as I was looking at him. I mean I was kinda staring at him. He did have the same eye colour as me and reminded me of someone. I just couldn't remember who. Then he smiled and said. "Hi there. I'm Percy Jackson and this my fiancé Annabeth chase."

Hey guys. Omg, today there is something special for you guys. So enjoy.

Jessica's POV!

Emma and others finally left. This was my chance to relax. At least that was what I hoped. How could I relax when Alex is just by my side? "So are you going to sleep?" Alex asked with a smile, why is his smile so cute? "Huh, no, I am tired but I do not feel like sleeping," I said without stammering, good me.

"I did not want to be part of the conversation with Rachel, so I stayed back with the excuse of tiredness. Which is not a total lie," I said spilling my guts to Alex. Why did I just do that?

I tried to change the subject, but Alex beat me to it, "Jess, do not ever exhaust yourself like that again." Jess? He is worried? He looked at me with sincere concern. I absent-mindedly nodded. My brain stopped working and I could not help but just look at him. Study him.

Alex always had the air of indifference around. It was one of the many things that made him stand out. So why is he always so worried about me? Thinking about there were other things that made him special, like how he was the only one in a crowd of warrior kids, who had no interest in fighting. As if he was trying his hardest to be different from his father.

"Alex, why did you join us? You hate fighting and I know you do not give a damn about Poseidon," I said almost without thinking. Omg, he will so hate me for saying such rude things and just now I was staring at him so bad. I am going to die of embarrassment. I looked at Alex.

He did not look angry. Wait, is he blushing? He looked so cute, this is so not good for my heart. "I-I wanted to protect yo...., my friends," Alex replied. He stuttered. Is this a dream? Surely, I am hallucinating. He always has a cold expression or a polite smile. What the hell is this?

"No, not everyone," Alex suddenly said firmly, which took me aback. "I care about everyone, but the main reason was you. I knew you would go, for Emma. You would do anything for the people you like. I wanted to be there, even if it helps a little and make sure you are safe. Of course you can take care of yourself, you are stronger than me......"

As if he was nervous he kept explaining himself, his words felt out of reach. I kept looking at his beautiful face as he became red with embarrassment from what he was saying. Maybe he has changed or he was always like this, I am not sure.

I first noticed Alex when Ares' cabin was openly showing its discomfort around me, the Hades's daughter. Alex did not take part in it but neither did he stop them. That piqued my interest, his wish to not involve himself in anything troublesome. It was a game of capture the flag that fully changed my opinion on him.

During the game, we instantly became friends, because of us both being dispassionate about playing it. We were roaming around the woods when we heard a bunch of people discussing together. When we went closer, we heard them dissing someone in Ares' cabin, maybe Itzel. I am not sure.

That was when I saw Alex's fury. Makes you think, huh... he is the son of Ares, god of war. I was taken by how protective of his family he is. That was probably where my interest became something else. Later, we even spent time together, so we bonded too.

While I was recalling all this, Alex at some point went out of this room in embarrassment. Pffft. It changed so much. I am not sure why, but I like it.

Hey guys!
How was the surprise? We bet you guys never expected this. I know you probably want more of that and maybe you will in the future.  Anyway hoped you liked it. Until next time guys.
Peace out,

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