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When we arrived at the house I already knew Gemma was going to be annoying as fuck, like just stay out my business bitch! I unlock the door and go straight upstairs to my room while Phoebe goes to find Gemma in the living room. Finally, flopping on my bed I hear loud unknown voices coming from downstairs but decide to ignore them for now.

"you didn't tell me he was let out today!" Gemma shouts.
"I forgot okay, he's at the crib so I'm going over there now if you want to join?" a deep male voice speaks.

What the fuck is happening and who is that man?!
I strut downstairs confidently with that extra boost from the joint and walk into the kitchen to find a tall lanky male covered in tattoos talking to my older sister. And why is he wearing such high white socks?

"excuse me!" I clearly speak interrupting their conversation.
"Don't get me started with you, we're sitting down and having a longgggg conversation about your room!" Gemma rudely says.

I roll my eyes and give her my classic dirty look.

"who's this?" the man with long socks asks Gemma.
"I'm her younger sister who tf are you?" I answer instead.
"This is my boyfriend Sad eyes" Gemma speaks while giving me a look.
"Oh shit yeah I forgot you were coming" sad eyes turns his attention to me.
"how nice" I sarcastically mutter.
"me and Gemma are going to my friends crib your welcome to join?" he invites.
"she won't be coming!" Gemma insisted raising her voice.
"okay I'll come I need to meet new people round here" I answer sad eyes.
"good let's go then"
"excuse me I think you've forgotten whose hood this is and I told you earlier to get the groceries it's your turn!" Gemma says as she blocks my entry.
"fine what's the addy and ill pull up after?"
"argggg fine I'll send it to you" Gemma agrees reluctantly as Sad eyes smirks at our mini argument.

I quickly hop in my car and speed to the store before returning home to unload the groceries and apply a coat of lip gloss before grabbing my car keys and heading out.
As I pull up to the addy Gemma sent me I see a group of people turn their heads towards my car as I blast my music from my car.
Quickly checking my appearance, I get out the car and confidently walk towards my sister and sad eyes who are at the front of the house. There are multiple tattooed guys wearing the same outfit as sad eyes, all with the same saved head. Like do none of them like hair or are they part of some group that requires them all to look identical?!

"hey mamma what's your name?" a man flirts.
"she's my sister you puto" Gemma instantly defends.

The man still has a sly smirk on his face but decides to no longer act, as I feel a certain someone's gaze burn into the side of my head.

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