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I twist my head to see hot slightly older man staring directly at me. He has the same appearance as most of the group but the aura surrounding him reeks of confidence and respect. He was defiantly the leader.

"I'm spooky who are you mama" he direct to me.

"Gemma's sister Emily"I calmly replied

"Hmm how old are you mama"he frowned

"18 what about you Spooky"

"25" he smirks

Suddenly I feel a hand grip my arm and drag me away quickly.

"why you speaking to Spooky idiot"Gemma demands in a hushed voice

"he started the conversation"I protested

"Stay away from him he's the leaders of the Santos and will only cause damage and heart break"

"gezzz ok"I rolled the eyes

"I'm going are you coming or not" Gemma questioned

"yeah I guess I'll come this is quite dead"

"okay I'll meet you back at the house"

We separated and got into our delegate cars. Stupidly looking back at the group once more I catch the look of Spooky and instantly start the car.

Arriving home I decide to get my bag and outfit ready for the first day of college tomorrow! I'm nervous but mainly bored at the fact I have to legally go to college to stay out of jail and meet new people I don't give two shits about.

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