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Dragging myself out of bed I quickly did my make up and go dressed into a low rise denim mini skirt and cropped white top, my nipple piercing on show.
NY is a very out there city and I don't normally getting attention for them, I hope it's the same here I don't want no clingy puto following me around like a lost puppy.

Sprinting downstairs in grab a bottle of water and shove a breakfast bar in my mouth before calling Phoebes name and quickly waving gem goodbye before she gives me shit about my outfit.

Pulling up outside phoebes school, speakers blazing I see her friends nervously waiting with curious expressions. Kissing her cheek and waving goodbye i swerve around the block to my new college, what a shit show.

Everyone's looking geeky and shit. Ffs. Not today.

Instead I decide to go another day and once again drive to the beach.

Smoking my fat blunt while catching a tan, a tall figure suddenly blocks my light.

"Freya right?" A deep voice questions

Peering up from my shades I see Sooky? Smoky? Idk.

"What's your name again?" I bluntly reply

He darkly laughs and replies "spooky mama"

"nice name" I sarcastically chuckle

"sad eyes said ur in college? guessing Gemma doesn't know your here hm" he ignores my question snatching my blunt and taking a slow hit.

"We'll I'd like to keep it that way thanks." I smirk and take my blunt back

"Feisty. Your different, you obviously don't know who runs it round here yet" his voice deepens, challenging me

"And you don't obviously know who I am yet"

"I'll find out"

"You do that mr ghost"I smirk and turn to walk away.

pick a side~Latrelleحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن