Chapter 1

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It had been two weeks since I graduated university and moved back home with my parents and bothers. My father, Romero Ramos, is the leader of the Spanish/American Mafia until my eldest brother, Mateo Ramos, takes over next year. My mother, Maria Ramos, was born into the Mafia just like the rest of my family and lastly my second brother, Sebastian Ramos will be my Mateo's second in command for Mateo when he become leader. The there's me, Sofia, I have been involved in offical mafia business since I was sixteen years old, my job is mostly traning new recuits, finalizing shipments and annoying the shit out of my father. Unlike my brothers, I haven't had my first kill yet, since I never really go in missions.

Enough about that, I am currently getting ready to go to my best friend, Amelia 'Mia' Lopez's, house. After my shower, I got dressed in sweatpants and a longsleved white top, for make up I put on mascara and lip balm because if I attempt to do anything else, my face would look like a five year old did it (Mia usually does my make up).

As I was making up my bed, my phone dinged indicating I got a message. When I looked at it, I say it was my ex boyfriend, Andrew, who I broke up with a few months ago. We had major differences that I didn't see us resolving so I ended our relationship. After blocking Andrew's number, I continued tidying my room.

Her outfit.


One hour later.

"Is Diego coming?" I ask Mia.

We were sitting in her room catching up, we hadn't seen eachother in two weeks.

"Yeah, he should be here soon." Mia replies.

Diego Garcia is our other best friend, Mia, Diego and I have been inseparable since we were seven years old. Suddenly the door opened, "I've arrived," Diego shouts.

He always does this, he's a very dramatic person.

Diego Garcia is a hacker for our mafia, along with Mia, much like me Diego and Mia never go on missions, we mostly work from our warehouses.

"Stop screaming, Diego." I scold him jokingly.

Diego rolled his eyes, jumping onto the bed, propping his head up with his hand.

"Let's spill some tea." Diego says.

"The only tea I have is Andrew still texting and calling me, so I blocked him." I tell them.

Both Mia and Diego make vomit faces showing their dislike for Andrew.

"I hate him." Mia comments.

Andrew and I dated for only two minutes, we weren't very serious, for those two months Mia reminded me how much she despise Andrew.

You should've seen their reaction when I told them how we broke up.

After we talked for another three hours, then I went home. My father was having a meeting at our house, so I tried to stay a little later. When I got home it was after 4:00pm and there were no unusual cars parked in the garage, which might mean his meeting was over.

As I entered my house, both my parents were in the kitchen.

"Papa, mama." I greet them with a smile.

"Hola, mija." My mama walks over to me, kissing my cheek.

"How are Amelia and Diego?" My mama asks.

"They're good." I reply, walking over to my papa kissing his cheek.

"Hola, mija." He says.

"How was your meeting?" I ask.

"It got moved to tomorrow." He informs me and I hum in response.

"Did we get new recuits yet?" I ask hopefully.

"Yes, you can start training them tomorrow." He replies

I loves when we get new recuits.

I left the kitchen soon after and went to my room.

730 words.

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