Chapter 25

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"Amor, have you seen my white shirt?" I ask Vincenzo. [love]

A few seconds later Vincenzo walks into our room with my shirt in his hand.

"Thank you." I say kissing his cheek and taking my shirt from his hand.

"Anya and Gabrielle are going to be here in an hour." I tell Vince.

"Okay, I'm leaving now." He says hugging me from behind.

"Okay, be safe."

"I love you." Vincenzo says kissing my cheek.

"I love you, more." I say turning around in his arms.


Vincenzo left about twenty minutes ago and I was now waiting for Gabrielle and Anya to arrive so we can have a spa day like Gabrielle mentioned on the jet.

About twenty minutes later Anya and Gabrielle came and we let to begin our spa day.

"I'm getting acrylics done." Gabrielle states.

"Anya and I are getting clear nail polish." I say.

Acrylics hurt my nails every time I get them so I decided to pass on them today. Anya never got them before and she didn't want to try them.

"We should go to the mall after." I suggest.

"Yeah, sure." Anya stutters out.


Gabrielle just dropped me of at Vincenzo's club and was now going to drop Anya of at her apartment. I missed Vincenzo after we left the mall so I decided to surprise him.

The meeting he was having today should be over by now.

"Sofia?" I hear Leo say as I walk into the club.

"Leo." I greet smiling.

"How's your son." I ask him.

"He's good, thanks for asking." He answers.

Leo has a new born son names Niccolo. He's adorable from the pictures I've seen.

"Vincenzo is in his office, he may be a bit frustrated." He tells me.

"Thank you and tell Niccolo I said hi." I say before walking off.

Once I reach in front of Vincenzo's office, I knock on his door before opening it.

"It's Sofia." I say walking in.


Vincenzo was sitting behind his desk with a bunch of paper work in front of him.

"Come here, baby." He says tiredly.

He looked really tired, his hair was messy and his shirt was crinkled.

"What happened, are you okay?" I ask walking over to him.

"One of my men lost 50 million dollars in drugs and guns so I've been here all day trying to get it back." He tells me.

"I almost killed him." Vince says pointing to the drips of blood on his shirt.

"I might have to accept the fact that I lost 50 million dollars." He groans rubbing his forehead.

I sit on his lap and we held each other for about ten minutes until I noticed that Vincenzo had fallen asleep. I wiggled myself out of his hold and slowly got out of his lap.

As I'd gently rest Vincenzo's head on his desk, the door opens and Alina walks in grinning. Once she noticed me, her smile fell and her shoulder slumped.

"Why are you here?" I spat out.

"I'm here to show Vincenzo that he can do better than Spanish garbage." Alina says.

"And you think you're better?" I ask chuckling.

"Of course, I am." She answers confidently.

"Huh, funny." I say sliding one of my knives out from my knife holster on my thigh and I walk over to Alina.

"If I see you near Vincenzo again, you won't like what I do to you with this knife." I threaten raising my knife so she could see.

She gulps nervously but tries to keep a confident face.

"Tesoro?" I hear Vincenzo tiredly murmur behind me.

"Sofia, come here." He groans.

I turn around to see Vincenzo with his head still on the desk.

"Get out, now." I say harshly turning back to Alina.

She turns around and leaves the office but not before whispering under her breath that Vincenzo doesn't want me. I had to hold myself back from pulling her back by her hair and stabbing her in the face. I can't believe that her and Anya are even related, Anya was an angel unlike her sister. Anya mentioned that Alina didn't treat her nicely, I don't understand how you can mistreat Anya.

I walk over to Vincenzo and started rubbing his back gently and I rest my knife on the table.

"Amor, let's go home." I say still rubbing his back.

"I want to sleep." He groans.

"You can sleep in the car and when we reach home, Vince." I tell him.

"Okay, give me a second." He says slowly raising his head up.

"Where are your car keys?" I ask.

"In my coat." He answers pointing to were his coat was.



"Vincenzo, hurry." I whine.

If he doesn't get out of that bathroom now, we were going to be late. Giovanni and his wife invited us over for dinner. I couldn't wait to meet his wife and sons, his wife was also pregnant. I remember Giovanni telling me how badly they wanted a girl but she wasn't that far along for them to know the gender.

About fifteen minutes later we left our apartment and made our way to Giovanni's house. We arrived at his house after a short drive. He introduced us to his wife, Aria and his sons, Dante (older) and Elio (younger).


I was sitting in the living room playing blocks with little Elio. Aria was in the kitchen finishing up dinner and Dante was helping her. Giovanni left the room to answer a phone call. Vincenzo sat across from Elio and I.

When I looked up at Vincenzo, I saw that he was already looking at me  smiling.

"What?" I ask.

"Do you want children?" He asks.

"Of course, do you."

"I want everything with you." He answers.

A smile spreads around my face at the thought of us having children together.

"Dinner is ready." Aria announces walking into the living room.

"Elio, go wash you hands, bambino." She tells her son. [baby]

"Okay, mamma." Elio says.


Two hours later we left Giovanni and Aria's house and we're on our way back to our apartment.

"I know we're almost home but can we get ice cream, please." I ask Vincenzo.

"Of course, amore mio." He says chuckling. [my love]

1057 words.

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