Chapter 23

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"How would you know that, Alina." Vincenzo spat out.

"Uh, Vincenzo." Alina says, pulling her already very short dress up.

"I was just having a talk with Sofia here."

"I'm trying to tell her who you really love." Alina says, walking over to Vince.

She held onto his arm and before she could say anything, Vince pulled out his gun and aimed it at her head.

"Don't touch me." He spat out, ripping his hand out of her grip.

"If I ever see you near my girlfriend again, I'll kill you."




"Just kill me." Andrei groans as I pull my knife out of his thigh.

I've been torturing him and Igor, every day for the past two weeks. They shouldn't have threatened my mafia and kidnap my girl. They wouldn't be in this position if they didn't. Gabrielle insisted that she be the one to torture Amelia for betraying Sofia and our mafias.

"Don't worry, I'm done for the day." I say, as I clean of my bloody knife.

"Capo, Sofia is looking for you." Leo says from behind me. [boss]

"Have someone clean this up." I tell Leo before leaving to find Sofia.

As I bend the corner I saw Sofia standing talking to Ivan. They have become very close over the last two weeks, she's the only person he trusts or interacts with.

"Tesoro?" [darling]

"Hey." Sofia greets smiling.

She looked excited and happy. I kiss her cheek, thinking about how cute she looked. Especially in this pink flower dress she was wearing.

"I have a surprise for you," She says cheerfully, "But can we drop Ivan of at the house first

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"I have a surprise for you," She says cheerfully, "But can we drop Ivan of at the house first." I nod my head and the three of us walk to the exit of the warehouse.



After we dropped Ivan of, Vincenzo and I are heading to my surprise for him. I was taking him to my favorite spot in Madrid for a picnic. It's also the best place to watch sunsets.

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