Chapter 1: Land Wipeout? Humanity gone? What?!

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(Y/N)'s P.O.V. :

"That was fun!" I exclaimed to my older brother, who was wet from the water I sprayed to him.

"I know! We should do it again tomorrow, (Y/N)." he said with a huff.

"As if, Helix. You have a job, remember?" I said to him.

"Yeah," he said, eyes looking at the setting sun. Then, he raced to the house saying, "The last one to the house will be called Poop for a week!"

"No way! I can beat you from here!" I said, racing faster than Helix. He already knew I was a good runner. Helix, my older brother, is a scientist. I told him I wish I could be like him, but he said no. He said that I have a much more important role than being a scientist. What could he mean?

By the the time I reached to the porch, it started to drizzle. Helix came in, saying, "Hey there, kiddos! I'm Poop, but human!" he started to roll over the porch of our house. I laughed so hard that mom heard the commotion and went out.

"What in the world- Helix! Get up from the dirty floor and take a bath, NOW!" She said, pinching Helix's left ear.

"Ow, ow, ow,! Okay, okay! I'm going!" he said, pulling mom's fingers away from his ear, then rushed inside to take a bath.

"You, dearie, take a bath, too." She said, pushing me in.

I went to my room, and went to my bathroom.

After taking a bath, I slipped into my clothes and wore a jacket. I looked outside my window and saw that is was raining heavily. I got up, turned on the bluetooth speaker, and listened to some jazz music.

Afew hours of listening to jazz music, I looked outside my window and saw that the raining got worse. Monsoon, maybe? But even though there were large mists of air, I can still see an ocean, rising up. Nah, probably just a flood-

"NANI?!?! Okay, I'll be there as soon as possible!" Helix's voice blended with the heavy thunder.

"Wait-what? What do you mean? I-it can't... be..." He said.

I creeped downstairs and saw that the water was at knee-high for both of my mom and Helix. I'm shorter than mom and Helix. So probably if I was there, the water would be at thigh-high.

"(Y/N)! Come here, quickly!" Mom shouted, after barking some commands to Helix.

"Mom? What's happeni-"

"No time, sis!" I heard Helix shouted from the kitchen with some grunts

"Get into the life raft!" Mom screamed.

I followed right away.

Mom went in, followed by brother Helix with life jackets, and 3 oes (a.n.: you know, the spoon-like thingies to help people steer through water).

"Hold on!" He shouted, turning on the engine of the life raft.

It felt like an adventure joy ride to me. I raised my hands to feel the air rushing up to my fingers.

"Now's not the time to enjoy it, (Y/N)." Mom said with a worried look on her face. W-what does she mean? I thought to myself.

Helix steered the raft to his lab. Before, he told me not to in. But now's not the time to think of memories of the past.

" Fetch (Y/N) to the Pod Room, QUICKLY!" He barked to his servants.

"Pod? What pod-" I felt like I was floating through air. I looked down and saw 4 of his servants taking me to this "Pod Room" brother was talking about.

"Wear this," his servants said to me.

They were holding some kind of hospital sheet, but I wore it anyway.

"This way, hurry." one of them said. I followed them.

By the time I went in to the Pod Room, I saw mom scrunched her face at dad's shoulder. In return, dad patted her head and whispered "Good-bye, world."

"M-mom, dad, brother? W-what's g-going on-n?" I said, stuttering.

My parents looked at Helix as if to say, Tell her, Helix. Now. He sighed and walked to me, then my hands together.

"S-sis, we're sorry." He said, tears rolling down his cheek.

"Sorry for what?" I asked, pretending to not see the tears in his eyes.

"We have to put you in that pod," he said, looking at the white thing that looked like a coffin only made for high-tech robots.


"Because there will be a great wave that will make humanity be gone from the face of the earth," He gulped then continued on:

"There will also be a major wipeout of the lands."

"What?!" I said in surprise.

"You are our only hope." He continued, ignoring my response. "This is the reason why I don't want you to be a scientist. This is your important role," He cried while saying it.

My important role?

"We will make you hibernate for 10,000 years or more." Mom said.

"Wh-why are you doing this to me?!" I said, forcing Helix to let go of my hands.

"Because we love you."

I froze.

"More than you'll ever know." Helix said, wiping off a tear from my face.

The facility shook.

"Quickly, take her to the pod, and her items, now!" The assistants laid me down with my items, and that teddy bear, brother gave me a few years ago, was wrapped around my arms. By the time the lid closed, I began to feel my eyes are starting to feel droopy, and I slept.

Helix's P.O.V:

"D-dit it worked?" I asked my servants, looking at (Y/N)'s sleeping face.

"I guess it did." One of them said.

The facility shook more harder, as if God himself was really angry for what we had done.

Then we heard it.

The splashing waves.

This is it.

Good-bye, everyone...

Good-bye, sis....

We were taken down by the great wave itself like were tossed around like dead leaves and torned apart.


A.N.: Wowee wow! This is the first time that my emptional part got the best of me. Hope y'all dont get too emotional!

I'm out for now! Apuu everybody!

*poofy poof poof poof*


991 words including the author's note.

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