Chapter 6- A Day Down in Inkopolis Square.

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(Y/N)'s P.O.V.:

I managed to survive the fall from the balcony which felt like falling off a 5-storey building.

I coughed up seawater as I was washed away from that place. Ain't goin' back to that place. Ever.

Luckily, the water eventually swept me to another place, this time, much more confusing stuff.

As I reached for the cement block with those barbed wire walls (Seriously, tho. Idk what to call 'em. Any guesses?), I sat down beside the stuff I managed to get awhile ago. I cpughed more and more and shivered. I knew I have to make my move or they'll be on my tail again.

I climbed over the fence, and went into a dark alleyway. I then changed into the "disguise" so I won't look suspicious, but I didn't notice that there was strands of hair sticking out. My hair now was (F/C), I was wearing this mask thingie (that thing that Robin uses, you know, from Teen Titans? But without the white covering) that translates any weird language into English, and I different clothes already. Then, I heard some gibberish sounds again, but from a farther off distance. I left my stuff from the place I changed and followed. The more I went closer to the sound, more of those sounds came. Then, I noticed I was in a square.

There was this big T.V. sticking out and was placed up top of what seems to be a black room with geometrical pink and green squids flying everywhere, there were also places shown there that has been covered with paint. What I've noticed was that the paint was the opposite color with each other. Then, moving on with the rest of the square, there was this smaller tv with a video showing a shrimp or a crab eating some kind of cereal, which, made my stomach grumble (not that much, but I miss the flavor of cereals.).

Below the medium-sized T.V. were places that seemed to look like shops. Some of the "Aliens" go in and out. Sometimes holding weapons.

Since when was weapon-holding in public places legal? I thought. What was the government thinking? Some might die. I snickered by the fact I was surrounded by weapon-holding people.

There was this foodtruck that has some sort of hotdogs and juices. And guess what? The one who was operating the foodtruck was a shrimp who wore a blue cap backwards and was covered with breadcrumbs, which some of them fell off whenever he moved. And I swear, if he moves too much and lost all of his breadcrumbs, I shall pop my eyes off.

Then the T.V. was interrupted by some kind of famous tv show, because almost all aliens there were watching.

On the T.V. read "Off The Hook" And then showed who the reporters or celebrities were.


Huh. What on earth is a zapfish? And who on earth is Callie?

"That's all for now!" Said the one of the smaller reporter, who has white squid hair turning pink to the end (Betty from Glitchtale much?). She was Pearl.

"Don't get cooked! Stay off the hook!" Said the bigger one, Who has black octopus-like hair turning sea-green to the end. She also has sea-green fingertips too. Probably because of the tiring job of scratching the C.D.s.

And, that was the end of the program. Everyone went back to their businesses.

I decided to go and buy something from that food truck, but, instead of using coins or dollars, the shrimp guy told me that the food needs tickets. I was bummed because I told him I didn't have any. So, probably my stomach is already churning itself to death.

I just want to eat.

I'm frickin' starving at this point.


Hey there guys and guyettes! sorry for the late post because I was sick back then and didn't feel like posting anything. I shall make it up to you by patting your heads!


Anyhoo, Imma be going! Bue for now! Apuu~

671 words including the A.N. .

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